Hello ALL:
I am on 64 bit Windows 10 Pro 10586.29. Before the last 2 updates, my system, with a 512GB SSD would shut down in 4 to 5 seconds. Since the last 2 updates, it has gone from a very fast 5 seconds to about 15 to 20 seconds. Is there any reason for this?
Does that also include slow start-up ?
Mine basically loads up Windows 10 but then opens another (Loading Windows 10 / Login Screen) but is slower.
So, I want to know if you too have the same problem as me.
I do not believe my startup is any slower that I have noticed. I do not use a Windows Password, and it boots Win10, goes to the startup screen and then I see my desktop in a few seconds.
I have this behaviour for a while now too.
I wonder what they did as I was getting used to a 5 second shutdown.
Maybe you should try un-checking "Turn on fast startup" in the Power option.
I do not believe it is on, as Hibernate is off, but I will check to see if they turned it back on again.
I do not have that option. I looked and there is nothing there. I believe it is because Hibernate is off, so I should be OK, I guess.