My system partition is set to MBR, so access to UEFI from advanced startup options is missing.
I accidentally set the boot order to external HDD first, so whenever something is connected and I restart the computer, it tries to boot from the external device.
I can't convert the disk to gpt without formatting it, and the system is there so that's problematic.
Is there any way to do it anyway?
I thought EasyBCD BIOS Extender could do the job (it can't).
Maybe boot from an external device?
Why not click on restart from the power icon and when the computer reboots then press the key for entering bios setup?
That's impossible with W10
That is not true. You must, however, perform a restart to get to the BIOS, rather than from shutdown if you have Fast startup enabled.
OP's Prior MBR / UEFI thread
Laptop. Windows 10, Trying to install W7. MBR / GPT issue
last reported with how he solved the issue...
If I'm correct, the BIOS resides in the motherboard right? So if I could access it with some external boot media, that would solve the problem. Wouldn't it? or maybe the external media has to be GPT, in which case that's impossible.
The bios/UEFI does reside on the motherboard. And that is the exact reason that the standard way of accessing the bios/UEFI is to press the designated key during the initial boot screen after a restart. On some computers it's ESC, Del, F1, F2.
You might think it is impossible with Windows 10, but from a restart (not shutdown with fast startup enabled) that is the standard way to do it. The manual for your motherboard or pre-made computer will tell you what key you need to press.
Is that your Final Answer ?
You are Correct....
BIOS can be accessed even without any drives let alone OS.
What is BIOS (basic input/output system)? - Definition from WhatIs.com
Hi CountMike,
How can I do it in my current situation?