Hi there
While the menu switching (start menu / start screen) is great - there IS a snag. Once you do this you lose the old re-sizeable start menu (as build 9879). So if you applied Dave44's fix to get the OLD menu you lose it after using the toggle facility.The menu reverts back to the NEW one even after a re-boot.
So if you want to keep the old re-sizeable menu then another work around needs to be found.
Sorry Brink - but I can always "Break things" !!!!
To change back to the re-sizeable menu simply change the dword in dave44's fix for re-sizeable menu to 0. I think Brink's change sets it to 1. Reboot and old menu is back. You don't have to uninstall Brink's fix so you can simply change the value to 1 again and re-boot if you want to have the dynamic switching mode.
My main (and severe) beef with the new menu is the search does not work. On the old menu I type say word 2014 and I get the application without having to endlessly scroll to find it. The new menu - search doesn't do anything.
Start Menu after applying Brink's workaround.
Value set to "0"
Value set to "1"
What I did wast to re-download his patch and re-apply it and it works just fine.
Hi there
did you toggle BACK again - re-toggle.
Mine changes to the new version.
Start Menu after applying registry hack.
Value set to "0"
Value set to "1"
Hi there
don't know what's different but mine after toggling and toggling back I get the NEW menu.
I'm on a Touch screen laptop - whether that makes a difference I don't know.
I think I did the same thing.. Not sure what the heck I did but I know that I did re-install the VB script and then re-ran the registry change. And it worked after I performed a re-boot.
One thing I did notice, my desktop ICON is missing from the Start Screen. I need to try the suggestion that Shawn made in his thread and see what happens.
Me too. But if you select any of the available icons, you are back on the desktop. Be nice if it was more intuitive though.
Anyone tried putting the google search add on back into IE? I cannot. get turned down all the way.
Hi there
Follow the thread
here's the fix if you don't want to go down the whole thread. You have to change the vbs file.
Reply to myself, I checked your script and there was slight bug, I change this line 1 to 0 for FileExtension2 (resizeable start menu) and work perfectly now
After Else :
From : Command1.RegWrite FileExtension2, 1, "REG_DWORD"
To : Command1.RegWrite FileExtension2, 0, "REG_DWORD"
May help anyone else if they want also resize able Start Menu after toggling
Works -- Thanks guys.