If you have build 9841 installed and try upgrading to build 9879 via the normal upgrade path, you'll get this:
This upgrade path is not supported. Please close Setup and relaunch from the root of the media or go back and pick a different installation choice.
However you can upgrade by running setupprep.exe instead (from sources folder). This will launch the Refresh process (via a Windows 8 splash screen, no less) and you can then follow the prompts:
Cool, thanks. Maybe I'll give it a shot tonight.
9879 is Enterprise 9841 is not.
Surprised you didn`t realize that, as you had posted in this thread.
Windows 10 Enterprise build 9879 ISO now available
The 9841 Enterprise iso is still available at evaluation centre - you have to select the In-Place-upgrade option...
Here's the direct link:
Ah, so the first Enterprise build was also called 9841 ( same as the NON Ent TP version ? build 9841 ? That`s what`s confusing me.
My point is we can`t upgrade from a non Enterprise TP to an Enterprise version through the preview new builds options, or can we ?
Were you using Enterprise all the time ?
I`ve just clean installed 9879 and it seems to be pretty good, I was having picture thumbnail issues with TP 9860 non Enterprise, kept turning them to generic icons, so far this 9879 is perfect
Yup, although Refresh bypasses the version check I doubt it will do the same with the edition check... so yah you prob. right.
My experience thus far has been good as well - just got this issue with dual boot - restart gets stuck and won't show the boot menu on restart - full shutdown and start works OK though. Haven't tried messing with power-cfg setting yet though.
Tried this this morning. Freezes at "getting a few things ready"
Hard to see how it could get any more turdish.
Edit: Burnt iso to disk, got it installed.
As a proof of concept, I tried the In-place upgrade from 9879 Enterprise to 9901 Pro.
Normally it will allow the "upgrade" but not allow retaining everything (only personal files or nothing) - however, by using the reg. trick and changing: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion]
"ProductName"="Windows Technical Preview for Enterprise"
"ProductName"="Windows Technical Preview"
... it allowed all apps etc to be carried over to the new Pro install.
I then used the Enterprise key with Add Features option to upgrade to 9901 Enterprise.