Ok, after 2 days of Windows 10 use, some thoughts.
when hitting the left under-corner you get the Start Menu (I guess), then right mouse click on that Menu and properties, navigation and "When I point to the upper-right corner, show the Charms", but nothing is showing.
In Excel or Word, FILE is always blue colored or green colored depending.
I need HOME more then anything else, but FILE is the default, can I change this.....Never had to do so before.
Any help appreciated for me and others.
I believe that the Charms bar only works on touch devices in Windows 10.
At least I haven't seen it at all on my computer.
I looked to see if there was a way to open it just out of curiosity but didn't fine one.
Right clicking on the Start Icon give you access to basically the things you could get to from the Charms bar.
Not sure about your other question as I don't have Word or Excel installed.
Charms I think, is kind of disabled, I can't get it on my PC in desktop mode, my laptop I can swipe from the right and it will appear. I wish they would keep the charms bar. But they disabled switching back forth between Desktop and Start Screen, so I guess they had to disable it.
Only way to invoke the Charms Bar on Desktop PC's on either the Start MenuUI or the Start ScreenUI is + C.
Other than the bottom left, all hot corners are disabled for desktop PC's.
The link in Start Properties is dead for desktop PC's.
Green is logo color for Excel and Blue for Word. Normal - nothing to worry about.
yes, I know that Rich,
but I want both to start with home and not file, that is it
Just in case you did not see this:
make default tab on Word 2010 be the home tab, not the file tab - Microsoft Community
you are right Rich,
CTRL + F1 did the trick.
You are welcome
There is an option under the navigation tab, in taskbar properties, to "show the charms bar when I point to the upper right corner". I have it checked but it still doesn't work for me on my laptop that doesn't have a touch screen.