My sister in California is updating her system right now to Windows 10. I live in upstate NY(Albany)-when does mine come in?
No need to wait. You can download and start the install right now if you like.
Windows 10 ISO Download - Windows 10 blog
Windows 10 - Upgrade Installation - Windows 10 blog
What is the difference between the two and which one would I use?
Try here it will help you determine 3 Ways to Check if Windows Is 32 Bits or 64 Bits - wikiHow
If you need to ask then do the Upgrade method.
You need to do both. The first one tells you how to download Win 10 and create a ISO or flash drive.
The second tells you how to do the upgrade install.
I have 64 bit.- What is ISO? Sorry guys I am a newbie to computers. I want to make sure it goes right on the new computer.
ISO is an image of a DVD that can be used to burn a DVD from and can also be used to make a bootable USB flash drive.
Go here:
Installing Windows 10 using the media creation tool - Windows Help
Right below the grey Note: box, click Show All. All the step by step instructions you will need are right there.
If at any time the upgrade/install of Windows 10 asks you for a license key, look for tiny print that says "Skip", "Skip this Step", or "Do this later" (or something similar). Click that and skip entering the key.
To answer your original questionbasically, no one knows.when does mine come in?
MS recently announced that it could be "weeks" before the Reserved machines all get their Win10 installs.
You didn't state whether you had reserved an upgrade. If you have, it will eventually show up. That might be the hardest but safest route. If you haven't reserved an upgrade there should be a windows icon on the right side of the tool bar, just click on that to get going. Otherwise you might need the install some updates to get the windows icon to appear.