
Win 10 Upgrading: Collection of problems and fixes

Hello everyone,
I was happily running my win 8.1 and... i was so curious to try win10, waited september and there started my odissey...
I wanted to share with you a lot of problems i had with upgrading from 8.1 to win10 with solutions i found on the internet and by myself.
I felt the new OS so slow and buggy, so now i decided to give it a last try with a clean install; i still have problems but i will ask for solutions in other threads.

Now here we go with the fixes collection:

1. Num Lock ON at logon screen:
i like it to be ON so the registry key to change it is:
HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelKeyboard (set it to: 2147483650)

2. Airplane Mode OSD not showing:
seems a bug, you just have to set volume up or down, the airplane OSD will work (everytime you restart)

3. Suspend Mode stopped:
Tweaking and updating drivers, boot etc suddenly the suspend mode stopped working; when i suspend the PC it actully stops.
This is a peculiar fix for Asus users maybe, i tried to update the BIOS but it was already updated to last FW (conatcted Asus support, i was waiting for them to get my laptop for assistence...) then i tried to FORCE update the BIOS FW, running the winflash utility from a command prompt with /nodate parameter, it refreshed the BIOS and it worked fine.

4. Search results not showing *.exe files:
pushing the start button and using the new cortana search doesn't give good results searching for *.exe; the best solution by now is to use the old "search everywhere" function.
To do this we have to create a new shortcut:
%windir%system32 undll32.exe -sta {C90FB8CA-3295-4462-A721-2935E83694BA}
change the icon if you like and put it on the taskbar, i also added a keyboard shortcut

5. Fast access (stucked folder, doesn't reset, etc...):
check this by BRINK:
Jump Lists - Reset and Clear All Items - Windows 7 Help blog

6. Double Explorer Windows:
when i open an explorer window from task manager (open file location), the windows that opens, reopens automatically when closed.
Solved deselecting "Run folder window in a separate process" in Folder Options

7. Cortana Settings and Search error:
"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action."
This was driving me crazy, tried everything, the solutions was simplier than i thought.
I use Wise registry cleaner, it deleted a file association that is not possible to recreate.
I saved a *.reg file that will restore that file association:

8. Personalize Themes (mouse, icons, sounds), error rundll32.exe...
Trying to customize them i get that error, solution:
Open gpedit.msc (Group Policy Editor)
Browse to Computer Configuration-Windows Settings-Security Settings -Local Policies-Security Options
Enable “User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account”, (*disabled)
Restart workstation
Solution Through registry:
Open regedit
EnableLUA is set to1
Restart workstation
That should solve otherwise tweak also these entries:
GPEdit.msc > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options >
1. User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode = Elevate without prompting (*richiedi con file binari)
2. User Account Control: Run All Administrators in Admin Approval Mode = ENABLED*
3. User Account Control: Allow UIAccess applications to prompt for elevation without using the secure desktop = ENABLED (*disabled)
*=default value

Fighting with those bugs i also found these commands that you have to run from cmd, they didn't helped me with my problems; I write them down for reference:
Command 1: dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
Command 2: dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Command 3: sfc /scannow

Hope that Microsoft will enjoy this debugging work from us...
If you have any questions or suggestion or something to add or correct, please tell me.

I will ask the help of the forum for other problems I'm encountering now even with a clean installation, but i'm seriously thinking of restoring my win8.1 image

I run a different Language of windows, so i excuse myself if you have difficulties finding the right commands

Anybody found the same problems?

Win 10 Upgrading: Collection of problems and fixes