I am trying to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10. I have a SSD with the OS on it and 2 TB drives for data. I have tried ALL the initial suggestions, fixes but always get the "Something happened" message right at the end of the install.
The error I am getting in the setup logs indicates multiple drives might be the problem. See partial output:
2016-05-04 11:17:34, Error MOUPG CSystemHelper::CheckConnectedStandby(642): Result = 0x80070057
2016-05-04 11:19:21, Error CDiagnosticsHelper::SetSQMDatapoint: Attempting to set a datapoint in an invalid SQM session
2016-05-04 11:19:35, Error CDiagnosticsHelper::SetSQMDatapoint: Attempting to set a datapoint in an invalid SQM session
2016-05-04 11:19:36, Error MOUPG CDlpActionImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IMoSetupDlpAction> > > >::Suspend(1066): Result = 0xC1800104........
2016-05-04 11:36:07, Error MOUPG MoSetupPlatform: SetupPlatform::SetSqmDatapoint(DWORD) returned: [0x80004005]
2016-05-04 11:36:07, Error MOUPG MoSetupPlatform: SetupPlatform::SetSqmDatapoint(DWORD) returned: [0x80004005]
2016-05-04 11:36:07, Error MOUPG MoSetupPlatform: SetupPlatform::SetSqmDatapoint(DWORD) returned: [0x80004005]
2016-05-04 11:36:07, Error MOUPG MoSetupPlatform: SetupPlatform::SetSqmDatapoint(DWORD) returned: [0x80004005]
2016-05-04 11:36:07, Error MOUPG MoSetupPlatform: SetupPlatform::SetSqmDatapoint(DWORD) returned: [0x80004005]
2016-05-04 11:36:07, Error MOUPG MoSetupPlatform: SetupPlatform::SetSqmDatapoint(DWORD) returned: [0x80004005]
I disconnected the data drives and attempted an upgrade but since my profile is somehow tied to the data drives, I am unable to log on to start the setup. (Profile cannot be loaded). If I boot from the USB drive, can I still perform an upgrade or will this force me to perform a clean install? Any other options to make the upgrade work? I don't want to have to perform a clean install if I can get the upgrade to work.
Thanks in advance.
Did you move any of your folders to the other drives? If so, move them back, then you can disconnect them to do the install. Move them back to the large drives after if necessary.
Well, that's the the problem. I followed a document on how to configure a SSD drive with an HD 5 years ago and I no longer have the document. I will see if I can dig something up. Other than that, I'll likely need to start with a clean install.
Something like this? How to Change the Location of User Folders in Windows 10 - For Dummies
Yes, that would be excellent once I upgrade. However, that option is not available in my current WIN7 config. I have to move user files back to C: for the upgrade to be successful. I tried adding a new admin account just for the upgrade but it automatically when to the X drive so I likely need to try to find that old document and reverse the config so my profiles are on my SSD boot drive and not on the Data drive.
User Folders - Change Default Location - Windows 7 Help blog
Make sure to disconnect all the other drives with installed OS when you are doing the upgrade. The upgrade process detects all the OS installed and gets confused which OS to work on.
There are no other OS's. Windows is the only OS, it just happens to be installed on the SSD with profiles on the data drives. That is why is it likely failing.
Thanks very much. I moved all profiles but my own back to the system drive. I edited the registry so all new profiles would be generated there. In order to move my own profile back the the system drive I attempted to create a new admin user. This was successful in control panel but no profile was created and I got multiple "profile could not be loaded" errors. In checking the registry they did not appear. I found a "solution" and was advised to delete the three S-1-5-XX profiles from the registry. (Not the long profiles). I did this, rebooted and now my Windows is no longer "genuine".
I had to call MS Support to get validated again. They managed to botch things up further by installing the 32 bit version of WIN7 (I had 64 bit so nothing worked) to make Windows Genuine again. They also wiped my MS Office installation which was a company benefit that is no longer available so I am back to OpenOffice. Had no choice but to wipe everything a start with a fresh install of WIN10. I am slowly rebuilding and it will take weeks to clean everything up. For that reason alone, I won't be messing with profiles any longer.