
Windows 7

So I was able to rollback to Windows 7 by i believe uninstalling the preview. However I am still prompted to run the install again thru Windows Updates and it's getting really frustrating. I have hidden the update but it still shows up and it seems there's no way to really get rid of it....

Any Suggestions?

WOW,, this has to be the first time I've heard of this.. well the second since you posted this before. Q: Did you do anything to your update settings to get this?? You might be able to fix this by adjusting the resistry..

Check this:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE => SOFTWARE => Microsoft => WindowsSelfHost => Screen pic:

Did you happen to install the WindowsTechnicalPreview.exe? You need to uninstall some KB files to stop being prompted for upgrade.

Did you happen to install the WindowsTechnicalPreview.exe? You need to uninstall some KB files to stop being prompted for upgrade.
Good idea.. something had to occur for that to happen. I doubt that MS is pushing that update.


if the exe file your refferring to was to check whether your system was able to handle it, then yes i did install that. I didn't think it would impact anything except tell me whether or not i could run the preview on my current configuration.

I think the update i need to uninstall is kb990214. Though I cannot seem to find anything online about it. I believe its the culprit since the install was on 1/31/2015

If you could post a screen shot of your update history that might help to figure out the KB's you need to remove.


here is the screenshot with the update i posted above removed. I'll reboot my box and see what happens.

I just did a rollback on win7starter ,but iam not getting any win-update yet to reinstall

if the exe file your refferring to was to check whether your system was able to handle it, then yes i did install that. I didn't think it would impact anything except tell me whether or not i could run the preview on my current configuration.

I think the update i need to uninstall is kb990214. Though I cannot seem to find anything online about it. I believe its the culprit since the install was on 1/31/2015

I think that's the KBID that you need to uninstall. Have you seen this article:

How To Cancel Windows 10 Technical Preview Installation After Running WindowsTechnicalPreview.exe | JohnHaller.com

Windows 7