I have followed the tutorials from this forum. Downloaded .iso (both US and GB versions). Made thumb-drive and multiple DVDs (both -R and +R) using "Windows 7 USB DVD download tool" and "Rufus". Additionally, I have tried 2 different "unallocated" HDDs and created an "unallocated" partition on yet a 3rd HDD that has Windows 7 installed.
Using the thumb-drive or the DVDs on either of the blank HDDs, I get the following response: >Light-blue Windows 8 logo appears >2 to 3 of the loading-circle white dots appear >HDD starts to whir >Continues for nearly a minute, then the key-board diodes flash, and the mouse laser cycles >HDD slows down, but continues >Eventually black screen >The HDD light flickers a little, occasionally I heard a little action, but still black screen
I read on some post here that there was a wifi driver that held something up for someone and that person required ~90 minutes to clear. So, I let it stay in the black-screen condition and went to work. When I came home, no progress. Only out. Hold power button and shut down.
Eventually I thought of just looking at the files burned on the DVD. So, reconnecting the Windows 7 HDD, I fired it up and looked around. All looks fine, I see a "setup.exe" file. So, I gave the US-version .iso disk I made a try. Started out favorably. Got a Windows loading screen and a "accept conditions" screen. Then a "What do you want to keep screen". Accepted, and answered, and off it goes. It got to 16%, then stopped. Brought me back to my Windows 7 desktop with a little window that showed "Something Happened" and Windows TP could not install. Not much to go on. So, I tried the GB version, and did the same thing. This time, it goes all the way through. 100%. So, I thinking "yea!". Then says it will restart. So, when restart, Light-Blue Windows 8 logo, 3 white circle dots, keyboard/mouse lights cycle, then black screen. Only out. Power button. When it comes back up, it almost starts Windows 8 logo, then restarts. After long pause, brings me to a screen that says "We Couldn't install Windows Technical Preview" Error code: 0xC1900101-0x2000C I hit "ok" and it has restored my Windows 7 in fine working order.
So, I am stuck, no idea what to try next. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi and welcome to windowssh blog, Looks like a popular error code for win-8 to 8.1 :/ Errors 0xC1900101 0x2000C while updating from 8 to 8.1 on Win-Store - Microsoft Community
Interesting did you use bitlocker ?
Thank you for your input. Actually, what I am most trying to do is a clean install on a blank HDD. This trial on a Windows 7 HDD (so not a Win 8/8.1 issue) is not my focus.
What does Bitlocker do?
Bitlocker encrypts your disk but if you don't know your probably not using it :/
Solved: Removed the "unallocated" HDD to another computer. Installed it with no other drives. Did this in desperation. I picked up one of the .iso DVDs I made, popped it in and gave it a try. To my joy and surprise, it WORKED. Installed! As soon as it came to a natural stable spot, I shut down. Moved this HDD back to the original computer, WORKS! In fact, have now upgraded to 9860. Very bizarre. Don't understand why in the install media, Thumb-drive or vairous DVDs would not work in the original environment. But, I am up and runnimg Win TP now..... Thanks