
Why has Windows 10 slowed my computer so much?

Windows 10 Home 64 bit
It's the shutdowns and startups. Before upgrading to 10, my Windows 7 laptop took less than two minutes and now it's taking 10+ minutes.

Things seem to be fairly decent as far as working once the desktop loads and I can get started. I just don't understand why it's taking so long to shut down and start.

I had a computer tech go through my machine before doing the upgrade and there were no hard driver errors. He checked to make sure I didn't need updated drivers. I have 6 GB RAM, all kinds of empty hard drive space, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz processor.

Surely I can't be the only one this has happened to. Can anyone point out what might be causing this?

Make sure all your drivers are up to date and they aren't vanilla versions. Check hardware manufacturer pages for that. Chipset software is very important. Get the latest one from Intel webpage. It will include optimized SATA drivers and anything else for microprocessor support and other chipset related things (memory controller, etc). W10 built-in drivers should work, but sometimes they may not work as good or as intended (I am looking at you AMD graphic cards).

The start time has become considerably faster now. It must have had to acclimate itself. I don't know if I am capable of messing with the kind of things you mention above. That's why I paid to have that computer tech go through my computer before I did the upgrade. He did a pre-check and then a post check and supposedly everything was ok.

I think at this point I'll call things good, unless something happens. Thanks for your advice and your time.

I'd say that two minutes is way too long for that hardware, too.
You should really look into drivers and double-check your hardware. I work in IT, too, if you need some help and guidance, please do hit me up on Skype, it is on my profile under Interests.
Startup time should be under 1min for this config.

Check your Startup programs, maybe you have some stuff not needed to run automatically.

Check your Startup programs, maybe you have some stuff not needed to run automatically.
I don't know for sure, but don't think that's it. I don't appear to have all that much running at startup. Screenshot of what shows under startup tab. I don't know what else to look for.

I've noticed that it's become sluggish in the past couple days when I'm using it. Right after the upgrade, it was pretty good once it got loaded.

PS I just became aware that Malwarebytes is not showing as a startup program, and it definitely is. So anyone know what the deal with that is?

Check task manager to see how much of each processes takes in terms of RAM and processor %. Just disable those startup items one by one and see what changes and if you can do without it.
Malwarebytes ? If free version it doesn't run at start time.

Which tab should I be looking at? Processes? Details?

I see on Details tab, something called System and Compressed Memory takes over 672,000 physical memory.

My mbam is paid version, and I'm still curious why that isn't showing as a startup program because it does start on boot, and same with Genie Timeline. That starts on boot and that isn't in the startup list either.

I also had similar issues on my notebook upgraded to Windows 10. I then wiped it after backing up my personal data and clean installed it after wiping the hard disk and it is all normal fast booting and running better than 8.1.

My mbam is paid version, and I'm still curious why that isn't showing as a startup program because it does start on boot, and same with Genie Timeline. That starts on boot and that isn't in the startup list either.
I also use Genie Timeline, that doesn't appear in Task Manager's Startup list but it does in the Services tab; it's also in the Services Admin list - click Open Services at the bottom of TM's Services tab - in my case Genie Timeline is set to start Automatically (Delayed Start).

There seem to be some differences between some services and some applications. Many (all?) services seem to be started via the service start up mechanism; some are different and appear in TM's Start Up tab. I don't know what the distinction is though.

Why has Windows 10 slowed my computer so much?