
Win7 needs a repair: okay to just upgrade to 10, instead?

My Win7/home is borked. Sfc /scannow is in an incomplete loop. A windows update is also jammed. (Shows 51% at reboot and then disappears). Instead of going through (another) repair install, I'd just as soon just do a win10 upgrade.

would I introduce errors by upgrading over a bad win7 install?

Thanks. (Any typos due to stupid iPad typing autocorrect and no backspace or delete. Thats why pic wins.)

What do you mean by incomplete loop when running system file checker ? How did you do a repair install, used Windows 7 media disc ?
Upgrading may introduce more issues especially unable to download updates. How about a clean install of Windows 10 or clean install Windows 7 and then upgrade.

Clean install is such a pain.

the win7 sfc/scannow says unable to start due to a prior instance of it (or awaitning a reboot for the repair to take effect). I've rebooted many times...even in safe mode. Each time sfc/scannow will nbot run.

the update beavior is odd. My update history shows no updates. This win7 was a clean install about a year ago. Sfc ran fine a few months back.

wiping out all my installed apps because some os instability got introduced is...sub-optimal.

Try this to be able to run SFC, should be tried in safe mode. Copy and paste commands to make sure get them correct.

Thanks! It will be a few days. Traveling...hence the ipad pecking. Ill reply to this thread with results, pro or con.

Thanks! It will be a few days. Traveling...hence the ipad pecking. Ill reply to this thread with results, pro or con.
Welcome, would not want you to try a upgrade until this is resolved or do a clean install of Windows 10 as of yet.

Don't! Upgrading a borked system is never a good idea, and it will probably end up as a rollback anyway - a waste of time.

If you can do a little maintenance and clear enough contiguous space to make an empty 20 GB partition (x86 - 30GB for x64 iirc) - you could do a clean side by side install (i.e. dual boot), knock it into the shape you want as you transfer your stuff from Windows 7, and install up to date utilities etc. and organize your favourite stuff for the new system, before wiping the Old Windows, or reinstalling it over the Windows 10 if you find you hate it too much to live with it yet.

Win7 repair install (from sevenblog) got it fixed. The endless updates were fun. Not. Right now, the only issue is I can't get my SSD/win7/bios to all agree on ahci. Once that's done, it'll be time to go to Win10.

Just remember to make an image backup of Win 7 before you upgrade to Win 10.

Win7 repair install (from sevenblog) got it fixed. The endless updates were fun. Not. Right now, the only issue is I can't get my SSD/win7/bios to all agree on ahci. Once that's done, it'll be time to go to Win10.
Usually AHCI Mode is done before install in BIOS, try this tutorial and also make sure you get the updated AHCI Controller drivers from the motherboards manufacturer's site. AHCI - Enable in Windows 8 and Windows 10 after Installation

Win7 needs a repair: okay to just upgrade to 10, instead?