
Transplant from PC Help Forum W10 Install failures

Hi - I'm Shep, a regular over at PC Help. The ever helpful Samuria suggested I land here and see what help I might be able to procure in my 2 week long war with my Windows 10 install.

I believe I have all my spec loaded properly, and here is a link to the info at PC Help.

And a screenshot just taken...

Should anything further be required, I'm more than eager to bring the info. Thanks, Newbie Shep

I searched and went to a page for creating a Bootable W10 USB drive. I am uncertain if I do this and it fails again if I can get back to my C drive boot. I'm kinda dumb in some of the ways of the pc. Actually plenty of them.

I searched and went to a page for creating a Bootable W10 USB drive. I am uncertain if I do this and it fails again if I can get back to my C drive boot. I'm kinda dumb in some of the ways of the pc. Actually plenty of them.
jshep0102;355890 Do yourself a real big favour and create yourself a backup image before you even think about upgrading.

First of all, don't believe the You're good to go report -- it lies!! It told me the same thing, and then trashed my HP Win7 laptop so bad I had to restore it from HP recovery media to get it back in working order.

I've spent a lot of time in the HP blog recently (hunting down info on my machine and others' problems) and basically, it looks like the Upgrade tool just doesn't handle Win7 machines well. It does an especially bad job on machines with Intel HD graphics (mine) and hybrid graphics. The HP forum is averaging about 100 or so posts A DAY concerning similar problems.

What you should do is the following:
1) Download and install the free version of Macrium Reflect (MR )
2) Use MR to do an image backup of your PC's System Reserved and OS partitions to an external drive
3) Use the MR option to create a boot USB/CD

NOW, you have the means of restoring a working system by booting from the MR boot media and doing a Restore.

Don't rely on the Go Back feature of the Update -- after all, that was probably written by the same folks that gave you the faulty compatibility checker.

Hi gentlemen - Thanks for the input. I have MR, have yet to use it. No time like present. I used Acronis in the past, but it proved to be a no go for W10, so I deleted it. Hopefully I can make the backup image. So, is my 'PC's System Reserved and OS partitions' my whole C Drive? If this goes waaay south, would a clone of the disk be most appropriate? I use the pc for a recording studio (part time gig). Please advise, Thanks!

Well, it seems this is going to take a trip to the store for blank cd's or another USB drive. I have only 1 USB drive (8GB) and zero cd's.

Hi gentlemen - Thanks for the input. I have MR, have yet to use it. No time like present. I used Acronis in the past, but it proved to be a no go for W10, so I deleted it. Hopefully I can make the backup image. So, is my 'PC's System Reserved and OS partitions' my whole C Drive? If this goes waaay south, would a clone of the disk be most appropriate? I use the pc for a recording studio (part time gig). Please advise, Thanks!

Well, it seems this is going to take a trip to the store for blank cd's or another USB drive. I have only 1 USB drive (8GB) and zero cd's.
This seems to be the programme that is most popular on this site Macrium Reflect Free

Your going to need a drive with at least the size of your current C:

I have the exact drive, so I'm in business.

I've made all my complete backups including partition and primary drive using Acronis Boot disk. Never has gave me any problems!!! I have version 14 and newest release of 15. I still prefer using my 14 boot disk thou. Acronis has saved my butt at least 4 times since upgrading to Win 10 Pro. But all you guys ARE right, what program you use to back up USE them Before upgrading to Win 10!! I've also made recent backups of my Windows 10 After it runs kinda stable for a while too. I can re-install My ultimate 7 in about 6 to 8 mins, reinstall Win 10 in 6 mins.

Got a couple cd's from the neighbor. USB loaded. Ready to backup, I think to myself... Well I'm dead in the water. I have a USB3 Dock. I've used it twice, never moved it. The power supply is gone. It's 2000Ma, so it works for nothing else I own. My kingdom for anything I update pc related to actually work without tons of time and work, and wishing I never started using them. Beyond frustrated to say the least.

Transplant from PC Help Forum W10 Install failures