
Window can't access Internet when use both Wifi and Ethernet.

First, Sorry about my English. I have a question.
I use Win 10 Pro, when i use both Wifi( have Internet) and Ethernet( In Local have not Internet). Window can't not access internet although Wifi still work well. When i Disable Ethernet, Window access Internet normaly. Please help!

First, Sorry about my English. I have a question.
I use Win 10 Pro, when i use both Wifi( have Internet) and Ethernet( In Local have not Internet). Window can't not access internet although Wifi still work well. When i Disable Ethernet, Window access Internet normaly. Please help!
Check your ethernet cable if its working properly and check if it is using static ip if there's an IP try to change it to Obtain IP automatically then try to reconnect your ethernet cable again.

Thank zaldhie! I am using static IP for Ethernet, when i change Ethernet to dynamic IP, it work fine. But for some reason, i have to set static IP for Ethernet to connect Local Domain. That is my problem.

Thank zaldhie! I am using static IP for Ethernet, when i change Ethernet to dynamic IP, it work fine. But for some reason, i have to set static IP for Ethernet to connect Local Domain. That is my problem.
make sure you put the correct gateway and the IP address of your Domain as preferred DNS.
if still doesn't work. try to flush the your configuration using cmd prompt.

use this syntax: ipconfig /flushdns

Oh Yeah! When i use syntax: ipconfig /flushdns
Now it work well. What does it mean?
Thank you very much

Oh Yeah! When i use syntax: ipconfig /flushdns
Now it work well. What does it mean?
Thank you very much
now try to connect again using your ethernet cable and try to browse on the net if you can. then you solve your problem

I restarted window, now i still connect to Internet and my Domain, window work fine. Thanks zaldhie!

i restarted window, now i still connect to internet and my domain, window work fine. Thanks zaldhie!
good job!

Window can't access Internet when use both Wifi and Ethernet.