
Re-registering the apps worked for me, too. Thanks!

Hello! I'm new here so I will make this short. I installed Windows 10 (10130 build) and I love it. The only problem that I'm having with it is this Photo Background app that eats my cpu(30-40%)! When I start up windows I need to kill it in task manager everytime. But even after I kill it if I leave my laptop in idle it still comes back. I want to understand what this Photos Background Task Host is doing, his functionality... I want to understand it. I searched in google and all solutions pointed to the camera of the laptop... yes I have a camera, I also deactivated it but the problem still persists. I just want to know what it does in detail. Why should I let it use my CPU???Thanks!

This solved my problem:Apps - Re-register in Windows 8 and 10

Do you have lots of photos on your machine or on onedrive?

Photo App is the default photo viewer in win 10, so it will be importing all your photos and auto enhancing them (unless this is now an optional feature)

what happens if you let it run after boot instead of killing it, does it eventually settle down?

I don't have pictures on my laptop/onedrive - I also deactivated auto enhancing. If I let it run after a boot it will eat my cpu till I shut it down. Before kill, it's just goes on and eats even if my laptop is not in idle mode but after I kill it the only time it comes back is when my laptop is in idle mode and it goes away when I move my mouse or touch a key on my keyboard. It doesn't bother me if it eats my CPU in idle when my laptop is plugged in... but sometimes I need my laptop where there is no power source... In this situations when I work on batteries I usually put my laptop to sleep when I am AFK -> after every sleep I need to kill it again just like after a boot.

try giving this a try, it will re regeister the apps

is this a clean install or an upgrade from 7/8?

and sorry for being rude earlier and not saying it, welcome to the blog

I don't know how to thank you man, you really saved me a headache here - the powershell re-registration fixed it for me, I re-booted 3 times and put my laptop to idle mode 6 times and no sign of the Photo Background Task Host. Thank you!
is this a clean install or an upgrade from 7/8?
- Yes it's a clean install.

and sorry for being rude earlier and not saying it, welcome to the blog
- Don't worry about it, I'm very thankful for your quick reply and help!

Good news, glad to hear that it worked

Thanks! This seems to have worked for me, too. The Photos app was eating CPU like crazy. After re-registering, it has settled down.

try giving this a try, it will re regeister the apps

is this a clean install or an upgrade from 7/8?

and sorry for being rude earlier and not saying it, welcome to the blog

I'm having exactly the same problem and tried to re-register as described, but it did not help. My system was upgraded from Windows 8 and I'm wondering if this may be the problem. Thanks.

Re-registering the apps worked for me, too. Thanks!