
Share My IP With A Friend

How can i do that?
VPN, VLAN, Proxy would work?

Hi there

Why not buy a small USB powered Router -- then you can have a private wifi network --I find these boxes useful in Hotels etc where normally you can only connect ONE device from the Room Lan / Wifi system and I want two laptops or laptop and phone etc.

Plug into a USB slot on your computer and set the SSID and password -- then your friend can log in too. Note this doesn't compromise YOUR computer's security - it simply acts as a private wifi network.

Here's a selection

6 new travel routers reviewed


We live in the same city, but we have many km between us. Have a service based on my IP and want to share it with him.

We live in the same city, but we have many kms between us.
Hi there

Then it won't be possible -- as he would have to logon to the internet in the first place.

(Strictly speaking not quite true - but you'd have to go back to "Dinosaur Technology" -- He could Dial in with a modem to your PC but the cost of phone plus slowness of connections would be far more expensive than paying for two ISP subscriptions in the first place, Even if you did it via mobile the data roaming costs would make this not a good option).

Of course you could create SERVER type applications on your computer that could be accessible --that's a different issue though.

Look at WAMP (Windows) or LAMP (Linux) for creating simple servers -- remember though to ensure any server application is SECURE.

WampServer, la plate-forme de développement Web sous Windows - Apache, MySQL, PHP

LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) HOWTO: Installing MySQL and Apache with PHP support on Linux


Once created a server here, this should change his external IP Address?
But if we are in VLAN, doesn't his external IP Address should be the same as mine?
I have already XAMPP ready to use in my PC.

Once created a server here, this should change his external IP Address?
No -- as he'd still use HIS connection to logon to your system in the first place. Of course after that any browsing etc activities would be logged under your servers IP address but his connection would be the primary one -- if that gets disconnected then he loses connection to your server.

If he really wants to HIDE his IP address then the most secure way is to use the Tor Browser. That's how a lot of people access blocked sites etc.

Tor Browser

However this is getting into murky areas here so you are on your own on this.


We aren't talking about hide his IP Address. He can't use the service if he hasn't my IP.

Hi there
as I said any Internet activities would be logged under your servers IP address but his would still be the primary IP address as that is needed to create the original connection --without that -- no service !!!.


No way then, thanks.
Waiting if someone has other ideas to share.

Share My IP With A Friend