
HELP - Internet So Slow.

My internet service provider is with Virgin Media.

I was on there 150Mb package 150 down 12 up no matter what time of day i was online i had perfect internet.

Got a email saying that i can upgrade to there 200Mb package for no extra charge. On speadtest.net these are my results:

YET whenever i watch YouTube videos there constantly buffer, in Steam when i download a game it says im ony downloading at around 15Mb download.

Downloaded a 2.1Gb movie from Youtube (my own video) and it says it will tale about 4 hours to download....

Any ideas what could be wrong? Whem i was on the 150Mb package i had no issues what so ever.

There could be a number of factors at play here.

Are you on Wifi?
How far away is your computer from the router? How old is the house and how large is it?

If the house is not too old may I recommend powerline adaptors. I am using powerline 1200 adaptors with 3 gigabit ethernet ports.

This result was taken just now::

Im not on wifi im connected vis wired....

Do a ping test on various websites and see if you get good latencies

Youtube servers on European connections are always going to be problematic. Especially on Virgin. You have great speeds and are obviously running on Fiber. Most likely the servers you are connecting to are behind a bad router or overloaded leg between you and them.

Not much you can do when it comes to streaming media.

YT has always been a bit of a pain on VM as they use their own cache servers for popular(?) YT content.

To get around this you can block these cache servers at your router if it allows, there used to be a thread about this on VM blog.

I block through TCP Port 80 I've no idea how current these are but I dont generally have YT probs and I'm on 20Mb.

Also prob worth replacing VM's own DNS servers in your router for either openDNS or Google's.

YT has always been a bit of a pain on VM as they use their own cache servers for popular(?) YT content.

To get around this you can block these cache servers at your router if it allows, there used to be a thread about this on VM blog.

I block through TCP Port 80 I've no idea how current these are but I dont generally have YT probs and I'm on 20Mb.

Also prob worth replacing VM's own DNS servers in your router for either openDNS or Google's.
The issue still remains that Virgin like all other European and Asian Internet providers throttle their users connections. You can give them all of the speed that they want (user), but at the same time, keep them from being able to enjoy it.


I've seen several situations where bandwidth is available, but DNS servers are lagging. Netflix in particular uses rerequests on DNS to load balance their data. I'm curious if you use your ISP's DNS server? Try using the google servers (free) for DNS and see if you get better connections / throughput. (It made my Netflix 1,000% more reliable and faster).

Slow DNS server response can look like slow bandwidth at the same time apps like Ookla's Speed Test show BLAZING fast speed..

Give that a try and ping back here.

Google Free DNS servers are:

(Retired Microsoft Tier3 Debug Engineer)

My buffer speed in YouTube has always been stuck at around 2200-2500 kbps. I'm using a 3mbps connection and should be getting any nearer than that.

Try what's suggested above, if that doesn't work then it's not the problem on your side.

HELP - Internet So Slow.