
Connecting to a Mac

Hi Guys,

I wonder if anyone here networks with a PC!

I have upgraded my early 2011 17" MacBook Pro to Elcapitan and my custom PC to Windows 10. Prior to this the OSX was Yosemite and Windows 8.1. I could connect to the Mac from Windows no problem. Since upgrading both I can't connect to the Mac. I have tried to connect to El Capitan from another Windows 8.1 since to no avail. I have also reverted the OSX to Yosemite and still can't connect to the Mac from Windows PC.

I have followed the Network and sharing setup for the Mac to the letter from Apples website. I have checked blog and had Apple support check the setup remotely and it is fine.

Has anyone else had this issue and can help because I have run out of ideas now?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Steverido,

I'm assuming you mean File Sharing? Have you looked at this? How to connect with File Sharing on your Mac - Apple Support


I have done all of those things and had it verified by Apple online support. I think that Windows might be the problem connecting to it given that I can connect to Windows from the Mac.

In that picture you are trying to connect to your mac right? Is it really in a domain called STEVEMORRIS (the domain in the picture).

I think you might have to put MACBOOKPRO-1842JoeBloggs(i.e. specify the name of your Mac, followed by followed by user name).

You may also need the "Windows File Sharing" box ticked for your user in OSX as shown (unticked) in the Advanced Options section of the link above and also make sure the directory you want to access is shared.

My MacBook broke last week so I can't check what exactly I had set but it was working between Windows 10 Pro and El Capitan both ways.

I tried that and it did not work. Before I upgraded to El Capitan it connected with my logon details for the user account. I have tried various combos to no avail.

Got all the Mac end set correctly and had it verified by Apple support. The problem is they only support Apple so it is difficult to get it resolved.

I don't understand what the Domain part is that pops up. My research of it doesn't seem to show anything. What do you think?

I have the Network set to WORKGROUP on PC & Mac.

I have done all of those things and had it verified by Apple online support. I think that Windows might be the problem connecting to it given that I can connect to Windows from the Mac.

Okay, I just tried it with my iMac. Make sure you have File Sharing turned on. Then in the File Sharing page, click on 'Options' and make sure that 'Share files and folders using SMB (Windows)' is checked.

Then, on Windows 10, go to File Explorer --> Network. Make sure your Mac is turned on and then try to connect to it. You will probably be prompted to log in. Log in and connect.

It worked for me. My iMac is still stuck on OS X Lion, but it should work on El Capitan.

Yeah I have done all of that Chuck. This is what is so frustrating about it.

Not sure what the Domain dialogue that comes up though.

Yeah I have done all of that Chuck. This is what is so frustrating about it.

Not sure what the Domain dialogue that comes up though.
That is frustrating.

I know you've probably tried this already, but what if you change your Network Credentials and try again. If you can make it to the Network Credentials promt, then it's connecting to the Mac.

Not sure what the Domain dialogue that comes up though.
Is it the name of your Windows PC? If it is then that is why you need the name of your mac before the user name (I think).

I will try

Connecting to a Mac