Has anyone been able to "Refresh" on build 9879? Part of testing this out is all the functionality. I changed some things in the system and was going to do a "Refresh" to correct but to my surprise it goes through the process, reboots and then tells you there were problems, nothing is changed.
After this process it does send files off to MS and such. Just curious if it is my build or if others are having this problem.
That's odd, usually a 'Refresh' involves inserting your installation media then Windows will essentially re-install the OS. Takes 10 times longer than doing a clean install yourself. Don't usually go that route.
I wonder if doing this will work? Will have to try it: Refresh Windows 8 - Create and Use Custom Recovery Image
Should be the same for Windows 10.
Edit:Running it now. Will try a Refresh when done.
Edit#2: recimg completed successfully, now to try a refresh.
No good, refresh completed, rebooted and it failed.
Tried to complete again the booted to Undoing changes ...
Doing refresh
Error on 1st boot after
Undoing chnages 3rd boot after
I had problems with 9879 and tried the Refresh as well, it completed but didn't fix the problem.
Ditto, didn't work for either when I lost short cuts associated with Tiles - all other shortcuts worked though.
I used the option which basically keeps most of your original settings but wipes all installed applications and, yes, it took longer than a clean build.
Well, that certainly answers the question. If and when they put out the .iso's for this build I will just reload instead of refresh. It really isn't working from what you are showing me.
I will say that there is information being sent to MS every time this fails so maybe they will see what is going on.
What about the link on Advanced Boot tools to Reinstall Technical Preview?
It's an in-place Upgrade which keeps your files only.
That's what I will probably do once we have the "iso" files. I really don't want to start from the beginning again after installing Office and such.
Thanks for the suggestion.
You can have the ISO now, if only for repairs: ESD to ISO - Create Bootable ISO from Windows 10 ESD File