I have a Gateway/Acer computer and have not found how to access my boot menu in Windows 10.
I want to disable Secure Boot and then do a Clean Install of windows 10.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Advanced Startup Options - Boot to in Windows 10Advanced startup enables you to perform these actions:
- Start recovery (aka: Windows RE or WinRE), troubleshooting, and diagnostic tools.
- Boot from a disk (ex: USB or DVD) or device (UEFI only)
- Access the PC's firmware(UEFI only)
- Restore Windows from a system image
- Choose which operating system to boot to on PC if multiple operating systems are installed
Normally, you do not need to turn Secure Boot off to install Windows 8/8.1/10in UEFI Boot Mode. You only need to turn Secure Boot off to install Windows 7.
Here is info about UEFI Boot Mode(installing using the GPTpartition style) and Legacy BIOS Boot Mode(installing using the MBRpartition style). -> link
Your reply looks very good. I need to study it in greater detail, my first read thru did not sink in.
I want to ask what I hope is a much simpler question. In Windows 8.1 if I wanted to change my boot order I just accessed my boot menu by pressing F8 on startup.
Is there a way to access my boot menu in Windows 10, just to change boot order?
Your first screen or Logo screen should have a menu with select boot option. It will have also have the option to select Bios where you can select your boot order. During start up pressing Del will take you to your Bios.
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for replying. In Windows 10 both F8 and/or Delete key on STARTUP do nothing.
Give it a try if you have Windows 10.
Because of this change in how to access BIOS, having a recovery USB (16 GB min.) and repair disc (4 GB) are essential. If you do not have them, check out the red arrows in this image below.
F2 did take me to BIOS. However I did not see a SAFE MODE OR SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING OPTION.
Any suggestions?
The delete button still works for me. I am using windows 10. Have a look at this for going into safe mode. 4 Ways To Boot Into Safe Mode In Windows 10
you can easily enable the legacy boot menu by following this steps How to Disable New Metro Boot Loader and Restore Classic Boot Loader in Windows 8 and Later? - AskVG
Good luck, werty
When you get into BIOS look for Boot Order. When you find this you will be able to change what sequence the disks boot in. Your Logo screen or first start screen should have a menu for you to select from different options. Mine says F11 for boot menu, I have a MSI Mother Board.
Boot Order is in my BIOS and I understand how to set them. My BIOS says F12 for boot menu, when I access F12 it says BOOT MANAGER and only lists Windows Boot. There are no other options or ways to change anything.
Below is a link from "Brink" his threads are worthwhile. It lists Windows 10 safe mode as being available after logging on. But what if we can't log on. Then I guess the Recovery USB and repair Disc.
Safe Mode - Add to Desktop Context Menu in Windows 10