W10 has replaced my W7 operating system and I really like it. However if I have a main hard drive failure or somehow get in a situation where W10 won't start, how can I reinstall windows 10? What do I need to do before something like this happens?
You can follow any one of many tutorials here on using the Media Creation Tool. That will allow you to download Windows 10 and make it into a bootable DVD or USB flash drive (your choice) so you can perform a clean install anytime you want down the road.
Windows 10 ISO Download - Windows 10 blog[2]=Installation%20and%20Setup
Hope you realize that a reinstall using a Win10 ISO or USB stick will remove all data, settings, and applications from your PC. IT does what is known as a clean-install.how can I reinstall windows 10?
If, instead, what you want is a way to Restore your current system, then you need to consider an image backup/restore tool like Macrium Reflect.
Thanks, and I have done that about 2 times I guess with my Macrium Reflect Trial bootible DVD. I seems to boot very quickly.
thanks Cliff M.
Due to my Desktop PC Windows10 suffering issues due to me turning off too many things, I decided to use the Media Creation Tool at the Microsoft website to reinstall Windows10 last night. I think it's been improved upon, recently. It was much easier than the experiences I've been reading about..
1. Once the Media Creation Tool download finished, I just clicked on "Run". Not save.
2. After a few minutes of examining my system, a pop-up appeared advising me to keep current personal files and programs during reinstall. I clicked "OK". After 2 hours of watching the Win10 re-install creep along to 40% complete, and a couple of auto-restarts, I went to bed. This morning it was all finished. Asked me the usual stuff about Express or Custom setup. After a few minutes, my PC was working just a smoothly as it was after upgrading from Win7 to Win10 in mid-August.
One thing I noticed is that the Media Creation Tool does not bring in the very latest version of Windows 10. Since re-installing, I've received every kbxxxxxxx Win10 and Security update that Microsoft has pushed out over the past 45 days. They're still coming in as I type... Same order as before, but in one day, instead of spread out over weeks.
Thank you for that confirmation. There has been some disagreement about that lately :-)