
Massive memory useage since updating to Windows 10

Hi, I'm getting huge memory use while running very little and I'm unsure why. It only started when I installed Windows 10.

Currently this is what my resource monitor looks like

I have 8 gig of ram, DDR3 / 1867mhz / none overclocked or anything, the above is totally idle, the only browser I have open is this one I'm currently typing in. I'm at a total loss as to what it is, it progressively seems to get worse over time, earlier this morning it was up at 99%, it got so bad it actually took about 5 minutes to do anything on the system at all.

Again, this has only started since I installed Windows 10, I've updated my motherboard drivers + graphics drivers to the latest ones and I'm not sure what else to do or try.

Appreciate any help given.

Check your TaskManager Performance tab, look for "non-paged" memory. If this is quite large, you have a device driver memory leak. I've seen this a lot with certain games like BF, and even Steam, which I see you're running.

Check your TaskManager Performance tab, look for "non-paged" memory. If this is quite large, you have a device driver memory leak. I've seen this a lot with certain games like BF, and even Steam, which I see you're running.
I think you might be right, the none-paged pool is counting up like a clock, it's gone from 920mb to 980mb(its still climbing) while I was typing this message. How do I fix it?

Try disabling the game servers you're running for starters, reboot and don't start them.

I have this very same issue.

I completed the upgrade option and whilst I just surfed the web and watched netflix I didnt notice an issue. Then when I was in game (CSGO) last night the game crashed due to high memory usage. I tried a clean install of Windows 10 (but due to it not activating went back to Win7 and did the upgrade again).

Found I was using 90% of my memory. I have 8GB's of DDR3. I did some googling and found a video which suggested turning off ndu.sys in Windows 8/8.1. I have done this in Windows 10 and my memory usage has now gone back down to normal.

As you can see from the screen shot my memory usage is now looking more 'normal' assuming Standby memory is also available memory for use.

Will update this post if things change.

Ok, I've disabled Steam, the only things running now are Windows programs that Windows 10 came with, Razer Synapse (for my keyboard), my Motherboards Live Update / Fast Boot and NVIDIA Experience.

It still seems like its climbing but at a much slower rate, since I booted up its gone up by 137mb, sometimes it goes back down a 5-15mb then back up again over time.

Ok, I've disabled Steam, the only things running now are Windows programs that Windows 10 came with, Razer Synapse (for my keyboard), my Motherboards Live Update / Fast Boot and NVIDIA Experience.

It still seems like its climbing but at a much slower rate, since I booted up its gone up by 137mb, sometimes it goes back down a 5-15mb then back up again over time.
It will vary. the more apps you run, the more it will use, but as you close those apps it should go back down. If your problem does not exacerbate with steam disabled, then you should look to steam for a fix. It might also be related to a specific driver you have, but that's a much harder thing to track down.

I'll see how it goes for the next few hours. Just uninstalling my NVIDIA drivers and reinstalling them now as a friend pointed out there were 'issues' just on the off chance that helps. Will post again in a few hours to update on how its been.


I don't want to jinx it but it appears to have been 'fixed'

What I've done:

Uninstalled a lot of things (possibly things I shouldn't have but if needed i'm sure windows will replace them or give a warning that i'm missing XYZ)

uninstalled a lot of redistributable things (there was a bout 10 different versions of it ranging from 2005-2012, if I remember rightly they normall get installed with games)

uninstalled all the Microsoft frameworks I had installed (again, these are ones I've installed personally, this is just pulling from the add/remove program via control panel and not touching the windows section of add/remove)

uninstalled all of my motherboard drivers and put them back on one by one

uninstalled a lot of games

And its no longer going up, so one of those was the culprit.

Massive memory useage since updating to Windows 10