Hi Everyone,
I'm superlulu from France (sorry my English)
I'm installing Windows 10 on new computer for my organization . I try to configurate one with fresh install (package of apps like Libreoffice, VLC, etc. for users) and custom desktop describes in this tutorial:
Default User Profile - Customize in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
It works fine, in audit mode I install apps, drivers, custom desktop and configure default apps like google chrome for internet browser, adobe reader for pdf files etc.
then I run the command line to enter oobe mode generalize. Everything is ok, I continue my install. Then I create new user local account. And when windows starts, I have my custom desktop but default apps are removed (Microsoft Edge replace Chrome, Pdf files are read with Edge, etc.) and Apps Windows like "Weather" or "Actualities" crash . I really don't understand what happened... i try many times for same issue...
Does anyone have an idea ?
Thanks a lot
I never tried sysprepping 10 but i have faced similar issues with 8.1. Turned out that you need to save the default app associations to an XMLfile using DISM(before Generalizing the image ) and later import it.
then I run the command line to enter oobe mode generalize. Everything is ok, I continue my install. Then I create new user local account. And when windows starts, I have my custom desktop but default apps are removed (Microsoft Edge replace Chrome, Pdf files are read with Edge, etc.)
Export or Import Default Application Associations
Configure, export, import App File Associations in Windows 8.1
I have used "Setupcomplete.cmd" to auto import the app associations during the last face of install.
Add a Custom Script to Windows Setup
You may also need to disable the new app notification before generalizing the image.
New App Installed Notification - Enable or Disable in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
Thanks a lot, i will try !
Do you have any idea why windows apps crash when i'm logging with a new profile?
Unfortunately i don't have any idea about the possible reasons for app crashes. It has been discovered that there are several bugs in the "Sysprep" process of 10 during the preview testing. There is an official tutorial about customizing 10 on this very forum, prepared by user "Kari" who has most experience with this kind of procedure.
Windows 10 Image - Customize in Audit Mode with Sysprep - Windows 10 blog
I would suggest PM "kari" - View Profile: Kari - Windows 10 blog
script in windowssetupscripts folder works find with import/export apps associations, thanks a lot ! it's amazing why it's so complicated !
I found also why my windows apps crash: windows is not activate ! I try with "Windows 8 Product Key Viewer" with msdm key but doesn't work... it fails... I'm testing to enter the key when it demands during install... after sysprep /generalize /oobe ... I will see
it's amazing, i cannot activate my windows 10 sysprep install, license blocked... The only way to activate windows 10 is to update since a windows 8 install...
Using the "Setupcomplete.cmd" to reimport the default app associations still makes them apply to the default profile? According to the description it seems like that is something that is run after the profile would have been created.