
Data usage, windows 10.

Can you point me to the best fixes to stop Win 10 using so much data, no videos being watched, maybe looking a photos on usedguns, too much, not much else.

In what regard? Are you referring to disk activity. how much memory is taken up or something else? As for as a good deal of memory being taken off of the top you will tend to see that more with the 64bit Windows compared to the 32bit since the 32bit does far more swapping out data to the paging file used as virtual memory while the 64bit preloads more into the active ram. That more or less preloads to some extent the most often used programs for a more efficient start up when going to run something.

If you feel something is still grabbing too much out of the resources the Startup tab found in the Task manager is the place to go to look over your startup items and besides any essentials you can easily disable any that appear to be "memory hogs"? being one of the old school terms there.

First before deciding to disable any a look in the Memory tab will generally indicate just what is taking the most memory. The Performance and Resource meters now seen in 10 can also be a help at times in trying to determine just what is grabbing up the resources if this is software related.

Just internet usage, hidden downloads etc. I have turned a few off, but just wondering if there are any more.

Try this Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows

In order to find out, what is taking bandwidth, you need a traffic monitoring tool, like:

Firewall Software by GlassWire (a better graphical interface to Windows Firewall)

Certain ISPs will have their own speed test sites while a network monitoring tool can able a help at times. The 8PackGadgets intended for Windows 8 seem to work while the simple right click on the desktop will reveal the gadgets still found in 10! Bottom right side of Page 2 of 4 is one option gadget wise you simply drag onto the desktop for a fast look.

Another freebie that has a good rep is the NetoWorx you can look over at NetWorx : bandwidth monitor, connection speed test traffic usage log

Thanks for all that, I'll mark it as solved, and get on with it!

Hopefully that can work out for you ok! The tool is a bit involved however when first going to use it. A few others looked over lately where nothing but project type apps where you had to sign up for a new account somewhere to join a project community rather then finding a stand alone type monitoring too. This was an MS tool however and has been used previously.

If i can re open the post, I found Facebook has a auto open video thing, Iv disabled it too, all the little vids kept opening without being asked to, and I suppose there were several running at once.

Isn't it fun with embedded videos?! especially when several are present and not knowing which is running?!

Actually I seem to run into mostly when going to a new site to look over some report or blog and some embedded video is running without seeing any motion but a still in a column where there may be several. I never run into that on any of the social networks however. If you have set Facebook as the home page you might want to move off of that entirely to use one like the Bing home site to avoid any of that.

So Iv got Glasswire, what do I look at to see what is using the data. I only get 4gig a month which some say is nothing, but if I had unlimited, Im sure Id use it all up too!

Also, Iv started leaving pages open, I look at a shooting forum, a share trading forum, maybe ebay, facebook, and emails, and leave the pages open, so I dont have to open them each I want to read up, is that using more data than closing them down and reopening them?

Data usage, windows 10.