
fat32 efi partition on OS disk and bootloader showing in bios

after i put a friends laptop hd in my computer and fixed his. i have a strange little 99MB fat32 efi volumepartition on the OS disk. and i never saw it before. and i have 2 boot loaders in bios. wont boot without one of them being selected.

is it supposed to be there? can i remove it?

and what can i do about the boot loaders? does fixmbr work?

is it safe to use the delete volume override in diskpart on the hidden 99mb fat32 on the os drive? that's my closest thought. since it's the os drive and i like this computer i wont do anything i dont know can damage it

Do you still have two hard drives connected? Also, you need to post a screenshot of disk management so we can see what you have. Be sure to widen the columns so we can see all the information in the columns.

Disk Management - How to Post a Screenshot of - Windows 10 blog

what do you mean with 2 hard drives connected? i'm just done with using samsung migration software to clone the ssd 840 series over to a ssd 840 evo. here is a screen shot of disk management. while you read this i will reboot and unplug all the drives which is not the OS hd and see if it will boot only with the ssd with the OS

Edit: it booted with only the os ssd.

also i got this for you if it's interesting

The 99mb FAT32 partition is where the computer is booting from - it has to stay there. The partition marked as "system" contains the boot files. The partition marked as "boot" contains the operating system that is loaded by the boot files. I know - Microsoft labeled them bass ackwards, in my humble opinion.

diskpart is showing 1 gpt disk

disk management is showing 6 of them....

but as stated the disk is GPT and has the windows OS - so yes the partition has to be there...

the cmd windows is from after i disabled all the other hdd's. thought of something. this is not a laptop. this is my pc. is there always a recovery partition? since i didn't make one. i had a clean install and i can't remember having that until after i fixed my friends laptop. i put his laptop hdd in the computer. and on windows 10 is the efi-partition "included"?(i guess it is)

and what can i do with the 2 boot manager present in bios? never saw them there before.
without selecting either of the boot manager in bios called "boot manager" as first i can't boot.

A clean install of Windows 10 will create a recovery partition. The "boot manager" entry in UEFI isthe EFI System Partition that the computer boots from.

EasyUEFI will help you identify and rename what the UEFI boot entries are:
UEFI boot manager, Windows To Go Creator, All-in-One Microsoft Windows Setup software - The EasyUEFI Development Team

fat32 efi partition on OS disk and bootloader showing in bios