Finally decided it was time to move from Windows 7 to the dark side...(my taxes are done and submitted, so I could lose my computer for awhile and not be critical...)
Made sure Windows 7 was 100% up to date, Ran Belarc to capture all my software registration keys, ensured all drivers were up to date and Windows 10 compatible, even did a cleanup using System Mechanic to avoid any confusing, and then a backup using Macrium Free. Mentally prepared myself to spend a weekend doing nothing but chasing computer problems, since I am stuck at home ill this weekend. Crossed my fingers and hit the nagging Windows 10 icon on the menu bar and...
Nothing. Nada. zip. Absolutely no movement at all. Talk about an anti-climatic event.
Fortunately through this forum I knew about the Media Creation Tool, so off I went. That actually worked. About an hour later, Windows 10 was installed, configured the way I want it, and running. Just downloaded a bunch of updates, and going through all my programs to see if any updates are now required due to Windows 10.
At this time, did not perform a clean install. Maybe someday, I just don't feel compelled at the moment.
Thanks to the forum for helping me address several issues prior to the conversion.
Pleased to hear you got a good result HikerGuy.
I followed the same route as you but my bootup time seemed a bit slow, I bit the bullet and did a clean install of Windows 10 and haven't looke back since. I'd suggest that as soon as you feel compelled to do a clean install you follow your instincts and do it
DooGie, Thx. I probably will do a fresh install sometime soon, and may do it at the same time I purchase updates to my MS Office 2010 suite and migrate to a M.2 drive.
Lots of things to keep me busy for awhile.
Might not have to do clean install soon.
My computer also home built with standard of the shelf parts (those seem to have less problems) is W7 > 8 > 8.1 > 10 with few HW upgrades in between and everything working fine.
The GWX App was a colossal failure for me. Took forever to download the files to do the upgrade, then just sat there on verifying your PC for hours on end. I bailed and did the upgrade now from the MCT webpage. That was ages ago now. I've long since done clean installs on all my PC's. You'd think they would have the kinks worked out by now?
It didn't do anything for me. It just sat there telling me I should upgrade but never went thru. That was on W8.1 upgraded from 7 while still dirt cheap. Finally downloaded it and used in dual boot until first normal release when I upgraded 8.1 to it and continued as insider.
I usually see one of two complaints. It doesn't download anything, or installs Windows 10 all by itself when your not looking?
Or it just nags you to death until you give up.