
Unable to install windows 10 - couldnt find boot disk

Hey guys!

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this, but I'm currently trying out Windows 10, but I'm getting an error which I believe is due to my previous dual-boot consisting of Windows 7 + Antergos w/ Grub. (My friend installed this for me, so I'm not very familiar with this stuff.

Before I began the install, I went to windows disk manager and deleted then extended the partition that had Linux on it. When I went to install Win10, it keeps giving me errors that it could not create a partition and upon further inspection, the specific error is that it could not find the boot drive.

I've been at this for quite a while now, and any help would be appreciated!

If you deleted the Linux partition w/ Grub, then you can't boot. May have to clean install, or maybe if in Windows, EasyBCD can re-create the boot for you.

If you deleted the Linux partition w/ Grub, then you can't boot. May have to clean install, or maybe if in Windows, EasyBCD can re-create the boot for you.
I've been trying a clean install, but it keeps giving me the boot error. I looked at EasyBCD, but it requires me to have windows on the computer. I've formatted/cleaned it several times, so that does not seem to be possible.

Oh,sorry - was under the impression it was an upgrade - did you delete all the partitions shown in the setup dialog then try to install to the unallocated space ? or are you keeping the existing Windows 7?

BTW: Best to delete Linux partitions with GParted or similar.

Oh,sorry - was under the impression it was an upgrade - did you delete all the partitions shown in the setup dialog then try to install to the unallocated space ? or are you keeping the existing Windows 7?

BTW: Best to delete Linux partitions with GParted or similar.
Yup! I deleted all partitions and then formatted, deleted but nothing seemed to work.

Yup! I deleted all partitions and then formatted, deleted but nothing seemed to work.
It's best to delete the partitions and notformat - let Windows setup do all that stuff...

It's best to delete the partitions and notformat - let Windows setup do all that stuff...
I've tried going with just deleting and formatting but neither seem to work.

What is the exact error? The only time I got that was when I had multiple drives (incl. SD card etc) - removing those solved it.

What is the exact error? The only time I got that was when I had multiple drives (incl. SD card etc) - removing those solved it.
The exact error from the logs is: "GetMachineInfo: Couldn't find boot disk on this BIOS-based computer"

The exact error from the logs is: "GetMachineInfo: Couldn't find boot disk on this BIOS-based computer"
OK that's a new one for me - found this Couldn't find Boot disk error while Installing Windows 7 using USB - Page 2 - Windows 7 Help blog

Unable to install windows 10 - couldnt find boot disk