Hello, I have a laptop running Windows 10, I want to update it to Windows 10 Version 1511. But when I go to updates it says my device is up to date . Need some help, Thanks!
Go to this MS website.. Windows 10
Click the download button...A .exe file will pop up for you to download...Download it and run it and it will
start your Windows 10 Upgrade to Windows 10 Build 10586...
Do you mean the download tool now button? I think using the tool is the only way to upgrade from 10, to the 10 with update. Am I right in this?
Thanks, I got off the phone with MS and they told me that I need a new key, and that the key will not work for the upgrade, is this true? Thanks
I used it to upgrade from Windows 10 Build 10240 to 10586 on eight PCs...
I just tried it on a Windows 7 PC I have (Which can't be upgraded) and it initiated the download)...
You already upgraded to ten. You don't need a key. Just the tool, use it to put the new version on a USB stick, and install. You keep all your files and programs if you select upgrade.
Thanks, I found the ISO, I will report back when it is installed
So you don't need the tool, the downloaded at the top of the page works? Alright, thanks for the info!
Yes, I found the ISO's on Tech Center of MS (Not TechNet)
Is Antimalware talking about the .iso to use with a Win7 Key? Has that been officially released yet? I saw something
that was unofficially available but I think I would hold off until the official ISO is released...Unless it's been
released already?