The BSOD: CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED occurred while playing Spider Solitaire, which is by itself not a critical process. A BSOD was previously posted for this system, but while the system was using an SSD drive. I've returned to the original HDD to avoid the SSD-related BSODs.
Your analysis is greatly appreciated.
Please fill in your system specsPlease follow this tutorialand download the tool. The tool will give you detailed information about your system specs, please fill in your system specs more completely including PSU, cooling and other used stuff like mouse, keyboard, monitor, case, etc.
The PSU, cooling and other stuff are NOT mentioned in the tool.How to fill in your system specs:
I have no source other than HP's specs for the laptop and that info is not particularly specific. If what I've provided is not sufficient then I find this BSOD exercise substantially less than useful.
Those kind of information can be excluded, things as PSU, cooling and such are pretty much always stock and work as they should.
You may want to have a look at how I filled out my laptop in the system specs from a sisterforum View Profile: axe0 - Windows 8 blogI answer 75% of the time via my mobile when I don't post suggestions after analysis, what is fairly often. With a mobile I cannot properly access the information in the zip. You would help me dearly by providing as much details as possible in the 'My System Specs'.If what I've provided is not sufficient then I find this BSOD exercise substantially less than useful.
If you still would not want to help me with your system specs, no problem but I'd rather spend my time on other things than everytime searching for what I need. This often results in less quality help what results in more unnecessary time spending on a problem and I know we both don't want that.
Please keep in mind, we're only volunteers offering our free time to do what we like to do, helping others. We would appreciate it if those we try to help would help us by doing what we ask.
I very much appreciate the volunteer nature of your contribution. I completed the system specs to the best of my ability. I do not yet know whether what I provided was sufficient to make a meaningful analysis. I hope it was sufficient. If there are specifications that do not contribute to the analysis it would be useful to know that beforehand.
It is best to fill in the system specs on the site where it is asked for them so we won't get confused with where the information is preventing me from asking twice for it when I've forgotten