
Windows 10 ATI Radeon HD 4250 graphics?


I recently just installed Windows 10 on my main PC (Acer Aspire X3450) and have found that my graphics card driver (one from AMD) isn't installed. There is only what appears to be a default driver there, not AMD Catalyst Control Center, which is what I need.

It's a desktop PC and the driver I had previously on Windows 7 was a legacy 13.9 driver for my card - this does not install correctly on Windows 10.

Am I doomed, or is there a way around this issue?

Edit: If I right-click on my desktop, I can see "Catalyst Control Center" appear; however, if clicked, it will just say it cannot be started as there are no settings that can be configured by the control center

See this solution:
ATI Radeon 300 driver problem - Windows 10 blog


I recently just installed Windows 10 on my main PC (Acer Aspire X3450) and have found that my graphics card driver (one from AMD) isn't installed. There is only what appears to be a default driver there, not AMD Catalyst Control Center, which is what I need.

It's a desktop PC and the driver I had previously on Windows 7 was a legacy 13.9 driver for my card - this does not install correctly on Windows 10.

Am I doomed, or is there a way around this issue?

Edit: If I right-click on my desktop, I can see "Catalyst Control Center" appear; however, if clicked, it will just say it cannot be started as there are no settings that can be configured by the control center

Solved Windows 10 ATI Radeon HD 4250 Driver Issues.

Just putting this out there for Bing and Google to pick up on but I think I have finally solved my driver issues with windows 10 and my ATI Radeon HD 4250 Graphics. Microsoft seem to have finally solved most of the issues with the latest build but unfortunately the underscaling on a HDTV problem still remains for the moment. Installing AMD Vision Engine Control doesn't work as it doesn't recoginise the driver Microsoft installs and therefore the automatic underscaling that occurs can't be turned off.

My solution: Grab AMD_Catalyst_13.4_Legacy_Beta_Vista_Win7_Win8 from the internet.
Go to device manager --> Display Adaptors --> ATI Radeon HD 4250, Right click and select Update Driver Software.
Select browse my computer --> Let me pick from a list of devices --> Double click the Microsoft Basic Display Adaptor to install it.

Now that that is installed we can go ahead and install AMD_Catalyst_13.4_Legacy_Beta_Vista_Win7_Win8. I was unable to install the driver without changing to the Microsoft Basic Display Adaptor first.
Install this using the custom option. No need to use any type of compatability mode.
Select only the
AMD Display Driver
AMD Vision Engine Control (I need to install this so I can turn off the underscan when using my HDTV as a monitor)
(For me Amd Catalyst install manager and the 2 Microsoft Visual C++ boxes were ticked and couldn't be unticked)
Don't install the other stuff as this really, really screwed up build 10240
Now I can finally turn off the underscan using AMD Vision Engine Control. Woohoooo

For the record:
ATI Radeon HD 4250 Version: 15.200.1060.0 {15/07/2015} which was intalled when I upgraded Windows 10 from build 10240 to 10565 makes a mess of my system and was unable to use my monitor or TV at their correct resolutions.

ATI Radeon HD 4250 Version: 8.970.100.9001 {13/01/2015} which was installed when I did a clean install of Windows 10 build 10565 works fine on my monitor 1920 x 1200 and my HDTV 1920 x 1080 except it automatically underscales the image on the HDTV and I was unable to stop this happening.

ATI Radeon HD 4250 Version: 8.970.100.0 {24/04/2013} Which i was able to install using my above method works all round because AMD Vision Engine Control recoginises the driver and I can turn off underscaling on my tv.

Windows 10 ATI Radeon HD 4250 graphics?