
Upon boot-up, Windows forgets my monitor's native display resolution

Like my title states, upon boot-up, my Windows 10 64bit OS starts my PC in a 1080p display when my monitor's native display is 1440p. I have no idea why this is happening especially after all the troubleshooting steps I've taken/ think I've taken. When I start up my PC, it will display everything in 1080p resolution but when I go to display options or Nvidia Control Options, 1440p isn't even listed. It says that 1080p is the native display, which of course, it is not.

It all started when I did a clean install of my PC about 3-4 weeks ago. I installed everything but began to notice that my resolution would be all skrewy when I booted up. So I looked into things more and I figured it might be my GPU driver. Well, I reverted to an earlier driver and it still persisted. I updated my driver to the latest one and it still happens.

I looked at Device Manager and saw that my monitor was being displayed as a Generic PnP Monitor, so I figured my computer didn't have the proper firmware or it was corrupted or something like that. I looked all around but I couldn't find any firmware for the monitor, which is Asus pb278q. Its never done this before and only after I did a clean install has it been acting up.

When I did the clean install, I installed Windows 8.1 64bit and the problem started with that but now that I've upgraded to the free Win 10 OS, the problem still persists. I have literally tried, what feels like, everything.

Also, to add insult to injury, if I unplug my display port and plug it back in or if I go away for a while, the resolution eventually switches back to what it should be at. Maybe its my display port cable?

Does anyone have a solution to this problem. Please let me know and if more info is needed, please let me know!


I would think that it is supposed to handle and list 1440p no problem, but since it doesn't (and your monitor indeed has no drivers, I checked also!) that your best bet would be to create and set a custom resolution in Nvidia CP. I'm not on my desktop (Nvidia GPU) Im on my laptop (AMD GPU) so i can't test it but this shows it to be pretty straight forward: Let me know how this works out!

I know, its stupid how there are no drivers for the monitor... maybe thats common, i dunno. But is there a way to get them? hmmm

ASUS does not provide any on their site, so I assume there is no way for you or I to get them. Either it is done through windows update or it is recognized natively. But again you should be able to set your own custom resolution with no problem

I don't know what those Nvidia drivers have in it's control panel setting for EDID ? (Extended Display Identification Data). That should tell drivers what natural display settings, including resolution are.

Yea, it would appear that my EDID is missing and Im not sure how to get it back. I borrowed an extra display cable to test out so hopefully that works but Im honestly not sure what to do.

ASUS does not provide any on their site, so I assume there is no way for you or I to get them. Either it is done through windows update or it is recognized natively. But again you should be able to set your own custom resolution with no problem
Its not that I dont appreciate your help its just i want to find a solution where I have to work around what my monitor is actually built to do, you know?

Monitor driver is a simple .ini file, maybe someone with someone with same monitor can send you his if it exists.
Did you try drivers straight from Nvidia and not one from actual card manufacturer or MS ?
Do you have something like this:

So ya I looked at that and it gives me some strange results. It still says Generic PnP monitor and it says the driver's date is back from 06... so I don't know if this was a dumb idea, but I clicked uninstall driver for that and now it just says 'Default Monitor'.... ugh

I think the problem is that I am some how missing the EDID for my monitor, which doesn't make sense as its never "lost" it before and Im not sure how one would lose such a thing anyways.

So ya I looked at that and it gives me some strange results. It still says Generic PnP monitor and it says the driver's date is back from 06... so I don't know if this was a dumb idea, but I clicked uninstall driver for that and now it just says 'Default Monitor'.... ugh

I think the problem is that I am some how missing the EDID for my monitor, which doesn't make sense as its never "lost" it before and Im not sure how one would lose such a thing anyways.
If it's newer monitor, it may have Auto Adjust or something like the on the monitor itself.

Upon boot-up, Windows forgets my monitor's native display resolution