
BSOD Windows 10 Different LiveKernelEvent

I had this computer built with a generic brand power supply. I had major problems with BSOD when playing games, but normally when playing games only. I assumed it was the PSU so I replaced it with a Corsair 750 WATT 80 Plus Gold RM750x. For two months I went by without a single incident. But starting two weeks ago I had two random events. One when just on my desktop, and another shortly after I jumped into GTA V later that day, assuming it was just another random event, not related to the game.

I went two weeks without issue since. But the last two days I ran into two more instances of a BSOD. These are random and, not when doing any real task. One I was AFK and came back to my computer to see Windows loading up again.

The instance from yesterday showed a long list of "Hardware Failures" on the Reliability history, though they all seemed to be the same of "Two" different messages.

Being 1:
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 141
Parameter 1: ffffe001613c64c0
Parameter 2: fffff80117d11eb0
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 1f9c
OS version: 10_0_10586
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
OS Version: 10.0.10586.
Locale ID: 1033


Being 2:
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 144
Parameter 1: 3003
Parameter 2: ffffd00025903850
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 0
OS version: 10_0_10586
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
OS Version: 10.0.10586.
Locale ID: 1033

LKD_0x144_USBHUB3_DEVICE_ENUMERATION_FAILURE_UsbHub3!TelemetryData_CreateReport_VEN_0000_DEV_0000_RE V_0000

Today's instance was the same as #2 above. I honestly dunno what is going on now. I know the First instance seems to be video related. Likely GPU, but the 2nd was not video related to my knowledge, and the only USB hardware I have plugged in is a headset? So that is what is puzzling me. I'm hoping it is not PSU related again, as it shouldn't be.
  • GEOFFREY-PC-Mon_09_12_2016_121302_91.zip (988.7 KB, 1 views)

Hi Kameraden,

Apologies for the delay.

Do you still need help?

Hi Kameraden,

Apologies for the delay.

Do you still need help?
Well I've not had a BSOD since, I had two in two days the day I posted it. I'm just afraid of what might have caused it. As I said earlier a few weeks ago I had the same thing happen, where it BSOD twice in a day, but before that not once for the period of months since I replaced my power supply. I had serious issue with BSOD when playing games before I replaced my power supply, because it was of an "off" brand, poor quality PSU, which I didn't know at the time as it was marketed as a gaming PSU.

I'm a tad fearful what likely caused the last 4 BSOD I had. The problem isn't Constant. Just seems very random. Maybe even "Update" related, for all I know. I noticed on the USB one, the last one it seemed to have happened before some kind of update, as it showed update logs on the reliability history after the "Reset/Reboot" under maintenance.

If a BSOD occurs a short time after an update from Windows Update then the most likely (and usual) cause is a driver being incompatible with the newest update.

I have had a quick look at your latest 2 dumps, the others that have been recorded are from at least 3 months ago what isn't worth analysis.

1 of them is caused by a driver from Daemon tools which is very well known for causing BSODs.
Driver Reference Table - dtsoftbus01.sys
ffffd000`240cc658  fffff800`3215c314Unable to load image SystemRootSystem32driversdtsoftbus01.sys, Win32 error 0n2 *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for dtsoftbus01.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for dtsoftbus01.sys  dtsoftbus01+0x1c314
The other is caused by your AV program, a reinstallation of it may help.
Driver Reference Table - avgmfx64.sys
ffffd000`242e0448  fffff800`af936899Unable to load image SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSavgmfx64.sys, Win32 error 0n2 *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for avgmfx64.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for avgmfx64.sys  avgmfx64+0x6899

I've been planning on abandoning AVG for some time, I may just pick up another anti virus as AVG is pretty much turning into Adware. Daemon I even forgot I had that installed.

Thanks for the speedy reply. I assuming that is all.

I would recommend Windows Defender, at least on a temporary base until you're certain that the issue is gone

BSOD Windows 10 Different LiveKernelEvent