
Strange monitor flaw

This is a minor quirk I've lived with for years on my XP PC but it's become worse in Win 10.

My Ilyama Prolite E2403WS 24" monitor is set to its recommended resolution of 1920 x 1200, and naturally that's supposed to be located at (0,0). But in XP it was always at (-4,-4) and its size was 1928 x 1208. In Win 10 it's at (-8,-8) and size is 1936 x 1216.

Any thoughts on the undelying cause please? And - although I'm very doubtful after my research - a possible cure?

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

Sometimes display manufacturers provide driver files for the monitor settings required by their monitors. Have you looked into this and manually added the files for your Prolite E2403WS?

Thanks, I'll explore that.

Make a Custom Resolution a bit smaller than std so it is std size perhaps on you monitor , (1912 x 1192 ?)

you should also be able to move the display output ,with the monitor controls so 0,0 is in the correct place.

fairly easy to do in Nvidia Control panel if you have a Nvidia Card

And yes I always load the INF for my monitor to be sure Windows has the correct info.

Thanks. No graphics card in this PC, it uses the i7's own GPU. Monitor does not have any adjustment as far as I can tell.

It's an older monitor but it still had Auto Adjust and if that don't work it also has horizontal and vertical adjustment as well as geometry according to the Manual (see bottom of page) on page 14/30 in the PDF

Not sure if the Intel Graphics option can do Custom Resolutions

Thanks Kbird, that looks promising. I thought I'd thoroughly scoured the manual but clearly not. I've never found it intuitive when making adjustments, but I'll make a concerted effort this time.

Ah, I remember now. It's been some years since I attempted to adjust it but unfortunately the relevant options are greyed out of the menu:


BTW, with apologies for digressing, did you see my recent post about the 'fade-out' of folder titles? Do you think that's down to the monitor getting a bit old?
Folder titles disappear
Terry, East Grinstead, UK

Since you were on XP were you using a VGA cable ? (called D-SUB too) try a HDMI cable if possible too , which may require manual selection of the input in that menu too

or Visa Versa (above) as I am wondering if your input signal is causing the menu items lose....

not didn't see other post but I used a Windows 10 theme for a while called Aerolite till I got used to it too

No, it's using an HDMI cable.

I'll try that theme. I want something as close to the classic old look as possible.

Strange monitor flaw