
ATI Radeon HD 4200 driver for 64-bit Windows 10?

It has come to my attention that there isn't a driver for the ATI Radeon HD 4200 for 64-bit Windows 10. This is troubling for me because I just don't have the money for a new card and I sorta really need that driver. If you guys can help me, with the driver, that would be great. Thanks!

Erm, can I have an official link or url? That lead me to a page saying my connection was not private...

I have the mobility version of that card on my laptop but it upgraded to Win10 OK.

I have the mobility version of that card on my laptop but it upgraded to Win10 OK.
What driver version is it, by chance?


Well, my concern is that ATI Radeon HD 4200 is a legacy card, and there isn't a proper driver for windows 10. I noticed that after I installed Windows 10, it took away the graphical settings in the catalyst control center.

I can understand your concern. Although the upgrade installed a driver I can't find it on the ATI/AMD website. Also I get an error message on startup about atibtmon.exe which is connected with the graphics card.

I can understand your concern. Although the upgrade installed a driver I can't find it on the ATI/AMD website. Also I get an error message on startup about atibtmon.exe which is connected with the graphics card.

You need to uninstall your previous AMD Control centre (Remove everything) and restart your computer, and then install the windows 7/8 AMD legacy driver (AMD Catalyst 13.4 Legacy Driver) under compatibility mode windows 8 with administrative rights (Right click on setup and select compatibility mode Windows 8, place tick in Administrative rights), this will then give you partial Catalyst control centre. You then need to go to Device manager and manually force install the legacy display driver which did not install using setup. Double click on Ati display driver choose driver tab, select update driver, select 'browse my computer' for driver, then select 'Let me pick from list' click on have disk, and browse to your driver directory and select the driver inf file, this will then install the legacy driver correctly, and give you full functionality of the Legacy driver. This driver works fine with no issues detected so far, even the app market works fine.

Hope this helps, all the best.


Gulp !!! Phill .....
I'll print those instructions off. I don't think that I've ever had an AMD Control Centre on my laptop which was running Win 8.1 but I can uninstall the ATI driver from Device Manager ??

Okay, I done goofed up. I was trying to get ahead of what I was reading from Phil and I uninstalled the graphics from device manager, and now Video Adapters tab doesn't show up. On top of that, my computer is stuck in a small resolution. Help...

Fixed it, just had to restart my PC

ATI Radeon HD 4200 driver for 64-bit Windows 10?