I have a Gigabyte GA-X58A UD7 Rev. 2 motherboard which has a Marvell 9128 SATA 3 disk controller on it.
I have RAID setup on this controller and use it for XP and Win 7 x64. Windows 10 doesn't detect the controller during installation. If I try and install the Marvell drivers post-installation of the OS, the RAID is still not being seen.
I've tried using F6 to install the drivers during installation of Windows 10, but the system displays an error message and a 'Restart required' message as the driver is being installed. I think the error code is something like 'Unhandled_Thread.' Another symptom of whatever this is, is that it takes about six minutes for the initial OS installation screen to appear after booting the DVD of the OS image and then about another four minutes until the 'Install' screen appears. It's as if Windows is waiting for the hardware to respond or something.
Gigabyte doesn't seem to have Win 10 drivers (yet) for this motherboard. They may never have as its a relatively old board. I have posted this in the Gigabyte blog, but no answer yet. Has anyone over here with an older Gigabyte motherboard experienced this possible incompatibility? Or perhaps have a solution.
I could could use the boards Intel controller for the RAID, but I don't want to move it yet in case the problem is me missing something.
Sorry this this is long-winded. Thank you in advance.
I just updated my computer to Windows 10, and am having the same issue. Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R motherboard with Marvell RAID. Was working fine on Win7 Pro, now on Win10 Pro it is not being recognized by the OS at all. I've tried installing Windows 7 drivers from Gigabyte's site, but no luck. Anyone have any ideas for this?
If you haven't already tried this; go to the BIOS and change the RAID controller to AHCI. It may be set as IDE at present.
Doing this solved my 'not detected' problem with the trial builds of Win 10. Hopefully it would be the same with the current version as well.
If you have time, please let me know the outcome.
this solution didnt help, but I've been able to install the software Gigabyte Marvell Storage Utility on windows 10 and the marvell chipset is now recognized (usb 3.0 works fine). I have a gigabyte P55A- UD3R FYI.
I found it here : Gigabyte Marvell Storage Utility Driver - TechSpot
I'm afraid that's the only solution I know. As you can see by the dates on this thread; it's been open a while and nobody had a solution. I also posted on the Gigabyte forum and had no reply. This seems to be an obscure problem. It seems strange considering the quantity of Gigabyte boards out there.
My only other suggestion is to back up your data and then rebuild the RAID on an alternative controller. That's what I was going to do. Supposedly the Marvel controller isn't that good anyway. It's worked well for me for nearly six years, but obviously that doesn't mean that everyone finds it's performance OK.
Sorry I couldn't help any further.
my marvell chipset wasn't detected on windows 10 before installing the software Gigabyte Marvell Storage Utility, so it may also solve the RAID issue. No risk to try.
Changing the settings of the RAID to AHCI worked for me. I also took the precaution of temporarily installing Win7 back on the computer to copy the files off of the array, then re-built it. It now works in Win10 with no issues.