Greetings windowssh blog,
I have had this Dell XPS 13 2015, running Windows 10 Home (10586) to my dismay, in my possession since June 2016. I've been using it as a "back up", but i'm eventually looking to sell it. However, it appears it may be a bad egg. Ever since I got the laptop, it has been having various BSODs. I have re-imaged this computer twice (to no avail of the BSODs going away), and now I may do it again considering it now doesn't boot at all unless it goes into safe mode.
Some of the errors I've gotten:
- IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (i think that's what it was; pardon me if I got one wrong)
- There might be more, not sure.
I have no idea what's going on with this laptop, but i'm hoping someone here will be able to sort it out. I'm going to (hopefully) be using it for streaming at a school event, so I'd like to get it fixed right away.
All the required files for posting a BSOD help post is attached.
Any help is appreciated
EDIT 1: Removed USBPcap from the system in efforts of troubleshooting.
EDIT 2: Added build number for reference.
bumping the thread. any insight is welcome.
Hi Michaelvas17,
Please don't bump your thread, we don't work through threads from newest to oldest but the opposite so you would be one of the last to get help when bumping. It's also not allowed by the forum rules.
Do you still need help btw?
I do apologize for that.
I installed the Anniversary Update, and thus far, the BSODs have gone away. However, it appears that they come back when the system is under load, and I haven't really had the time to use it.
Let me know if another BSOD has occured after you've used it heavy
Sure enough there has been a BSOD. PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA.
Did you use driver verifier?
These BSODs were after I had re-imaged the machine.
I have not used Driver Verifier since re-imaging the machine.
Diagnostic TestDRIVER VERIFIERWarningPlease make a backup of your important files and get your rescue media or create one.
Please create a restore point.
Please follow this tutorialto run driver verifier.
Driver verifier stresses your drivers and will crash your pc if any driver fails due to a violation.
Driver verifier should be performed for a max of 48 hours, or when you have a bluescreen, whatever comes first.
If driver verifier has found a violation and you can't get back into windows normally, try to boot into safe mode and reset in safe mode driver verifier, or in the troubleshooting options open command prompt and type verifier /reset.NoteYour system will act very sluggishly while driver verifier is enabled, this is normal as your drivers will be being subjected to heavy testing in order to make them crash.
I haven't had any BSODs since I enabled verifier. Not sure what I should do at this point. Turn it off?
P.S. I noticed there were several unknown devices showing up in devmgmt. I tried installing drivers but they seem to stay.