Hey I am new here so I will try and keep this as concise as possible!
I get the BSOD seen in the title on this PC at random intervals but usually once or twice per fortnight. This might be while gaming, web browsing or doing anything normal.
I followed this thread for analysing 2 dump files I have retained (I believe these are full memory dumps). I found that nvlddmkm might be causing the issue, however I wasn't totally convinced it was the nvidia drivers at fault as this was a fresh Win 10 install about a month or two ago.
I have followed the BSOD posting instructions to generate the zip with the logs etc in it however the tool doesn't seem to like making the zip when it includes the 2 large dump files I checked above as the zip ends up being empty? I can only run it successfully if I just leave in the smaller dumps from C:windowsminidump. I will attach the one it can make and can attach another zip with the 2 larger dumps in if needed? This extra zip would be over 400MB so not sure if that would be allowed or even needed!
Thanks in advance.
If you uninstall Virtual Audio Cable by EuMus Design, what happens? Check it and let us know.
Not suggesting for an update because I am not seeing a driver for it that is compatible with Windows 10.
________________________________________________________________________Code:BugCheck 50, {ffffe0006a15c008, 0, fffff801a0c080bd, 0} *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for vrtaucbl.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for vrtaucbl.sysCould not read faulting driver name Probably caused by : portcls.sys ( portcls!GetMaxMapRegisters+5 ) Followup: MachineOwner ---Code:Image name: vrtaucbl.sys Timestamp: Sun Apr 01 14:38:53 2012(4F781B25)
Ah yeah I use this for splitting my audio channels for game recording/streaming. I'll uninstall it and monitor it for a while, thanks!
I think I will go ahead and mark this as resolved. I uninstalled it and it's been ok so far, however I think the issues have been my own doing! I think I have been using an out of date version which I had kept on USB media from my last Windows install, however since downloading some time ago it there have been some updates to it.
Specifically versions 4.13 and 4.14 of VAC have had fixes for the portcls.sys / GetMaxMapRegisters issues which you have pointed out above. I am now going to install the latest version and that should hopefully sort it. If I have any further issues I will uninstall it again and run for a few weeks and make another thread if anything else is causing bother.
Thanks for the help