win 10, msi gaming 970 mobo,gtx 680,fx6300,8gb ram. while playing eve online it crashed and while browsing web on chrome. this hasnt happened in over a month. just started when playing eve. i realized the gpu wasnt updated to the latest one. i just went and updated it im gonna see if it gives me any bsod. memtest came back fine. no errors
Hi blazrg,
Welcome to the 10blog
Please check MSI for network driver updatesCode:3: kd> lmvm bwcW10x64 Browse full module list start end module name fffff80a`568f0000 fffff80a`56c54000 bwcW10x64 T (no symbols) Loaded symbol image file: bwcW10x64.sys Image path: SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSwcW10x64.sys Image name: bwcW10x64.sys Browse all global symbols functions data Timestamp: Tue Sep 15 16:13:12 2015 (55F82778) CheckSum: 00030B00 ImageSize: 00364000 Translations: 0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
i went on the msi site but it said i had the latest driver so i went to killer site and got it from there. i did that to all drivers i thought i needed from there respective sites. hopefully that will solve at least one of the bsod's. i still have the direct x issue
Best is to get most of the drivers from MSI only, in this case reinstall.
it happened again 1 hour into eve online. kmode error ntoskrnl.exe
Install the network drivers from MSI if you hadn't yet.
Ya there all up to date.about an hour after that i got another bsod this time pointing to tcp/ip. I ran driver verifier hopped on eve and played for almost 3 hours with no bsod.seems random.after the first bsod it restarted i left it idle on desktop and within 5 min it bsod.same shit.
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