I have a game that I am thoroughly addicted to. Within the game, it has video options to brighten the screen(or not). Since upgrading to Windows 10 Pro, these controls no longer work. The game works just fine but the screen is very dark. Been playing this game for more than a decade. I'm hoping there is a solution!
Video card = Nvidia GeForce GTX 660ti
I have not been able to download Nvidia drivers for some time. Each time I try, it says the website cannot be reached and to try again later.
Welcome to the blog Steve. Have you tried a different browser to update your drivers
What game is giving you the problem? Is it the only game that does that?
The game is Blitzkrieg (and its numerous follow-ons) by Nival Interactive. I don't have any issues with any other games. Don't really play anything else. I had Windows 8.1 Pro before upgrading to 10 and this was not an issue.
I have been able to download the latest drivers from GeForce since my original post. No change in the situation.
Well since no other games have the issue you have to look at maybe reinstalling the game. It is a pain but games can be tricky.
Are all you other drivers, specifically the motherboard chipset drivers updated?
Motherboard chipset drivers are not updated. It is an ASUS motherboard but I cannot identify it further without opening up the case.
You can use Speccy, and click the motherboard to see what board it is.
Speccy - Download
Speccy sez the motherboard is:
You can get the chipsetmotherboard drivers here
H81M-PLUS | Motherboards | ASUS Global
try running windowed mode and see if theres any difference? doesnt help your problem but gives more ideas of what could be wrong
What is "windowed mode"?