I've been getting BSOD's very often on my computer, however since I replaced the motherboard, CPU and RAM, they have been less frequent, but every once in a while I will still be using my computer and I will get a BSOD. I haven't had one recently when I was present (however I have come back to my computer and it had restarted, so I know it did crash...) so I don't remember the error it gave, sorry!
Here are the error logs: Error Report.zip
Is there anything I can do to solve these problems? Thank you and have a nice day!
Please read and follow the instructions here: Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Posting Instructions
Uhh can I know why? I did. And if it's about the title, I really can't be any more descriptive. It's just a bunch of different BSOD's at random times, and I don't know what's going on at all. I can't find any cause.
Also if it's about making a 3rd thread, last time, I was told to make a new thread, so this time, I made my 3rd thread.
Never mind, the space problem was fixed with the advanced editor. I can't type spaces on the basic editor...
I see. You had two zip files uploaded, both named Error Report.zip. I picked the 2nd one which was empty. Normally when you run DM_Log_Collector it generates a fale named something like: DELL-QUARTO-07_10_2016__90552,39.zip
so I didn't think you had run the DM_Log_collector tool. I see you did though. Why did you rename it? Just curious.
Latest dump indicates a problem with rt640x64.sys. This belongs to Realtek 8136/8168/8169 PCI/PCIe AdaptersCode:Unable to load image SystemRootSystem32drivers t640x64.sys, Win32 error 0n2 *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for rt640x64.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for rt640x64.sysSee if there is a newer one available. If not, try uninstalling the current one from Device Manager then reboot, let Windows rediscover the device and reload the driver, see if that helps.Code:lmvm rt640x64 Browse full module list start end module name fffff80b`54df0000 fffff80b`54ec9000 rt640x64 T (no symbols) Loaded symbol image file: rt640x64.sys Image path: SystemRootSystem32drivers t640x64.sys Image name: rt640x64.sys Browse all global symbols functions data Timestamp: Tue May 05 12:21:03 2015(5548EDEF) CheckSum: 000E9B0E ImageSize: 000D9000 Translations: 0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
Oh I see, I renamed it because I have my language settings set to Japanese so it creates an odd, messed up file name as it tries to use the Japanese formatting. Then I uploaded it, and when I went to look at the zip file, I realized it was empty for some reason... So I ran it again and uploaded the new one, but I couldn't figure out how to remove the old one. :/
Thank you for your help though, I will try removing that and see if I don't get another BSOD soon!
Makes sense. Good luck.