I am trying to hook up a third monitor onto my set up, via VGA.
I have two monitors at the moment, one via VGA other via HDMI, both using the GPU's connectors.
my GPU is a NVIDIA Geforce 750ti,
I get "Cable not connected" on my third monitor when I try to use the onboard graphics connection,
not sure if needed but my Motherboard is:
Gigabyte TH61M-DS2
Thank you
Have a look in your bios under "Advanced BIOS Features" for the following,
Set the video card (PCIE x16) as the first display device, and make sure that the onboard is set to always enable.
As long as that feature is supported by the CPU (where the onboard is), it should then work.
Don't know about your PC, but on mine, with both onboard and card graphics, I can select one or the other -- but not both. This limitation is documented in the BIOS settings.
Mark and Stormy are correct, depends on your BIOS. Mine allows it and looks like this. It is disabled in this pic. I have enabled it and used the onboard as a third monitor with no issues.
Hey everyone, sorry for the late reply.
I actually just restarted my PC (to boot up my BIOS) and all of my monitors are working, it must of just needed a restart which is weird, anyways, thanks for the assistance otherwise
I'm not certain if I should be creating a new thread for this, but I have recently tried to setup multiple monitors where one display utilizes the onboard graphics and it seems to work too well. I was wondering if there was some way to use the monitor hooked into the integrated graphics as the primary monitor without that also meaning all applications run through the igpu regardless of being dragged to the non-igpu monitor? I even have to rearrange the displays side by side to get a game window to transfer off of the igpu display when it is the primary display, because directly dragging will reject the attempted drag so i have to put a part of the window's title bar across both monitors and pull it in from the other side, upon doing so it even rejects window placement near the upper portion of the display as if windows magnifier from windows xp had that portion of the screen occupied with a magnification pane.
I could hook the monitor up to the actual graphics card but it seems I lose performance as if the igpu isnt being utilized despite noticing an uptick in system memory use that nearly matches the bios settings for the integrated graphics. For example having one dx9+ game window running while a streaming 720p video is running fullscreen will put my gpu at 60-80% use with both monitors hooked into the pcie card which causes slight frame interruption in the video regardless of turning the igpu on in bios and having the intel drivers enabled with the control panel installed, but switching a monitor to the integrated graphics connections drops my gpu use to 20-40% and fixes the frame rate interruptions regardless of whether the game window or the fullscreen video is on the monitor with the integrated graphics connection.
A folk-cure for this problem for me would be something that will get windows to launch programs onto a display that isn't the primary display but I cannot find such advice and I can seldom get a browser window to remember it was opened on such display without leaving at least one open continuously and even so the behavior doesn't survive a shutdown and restart. I've thought that maybe it was an issue with the driver control panels conflicting since one monitor uses ATI's and the other Intel's but even exclusively using windows 10 system display settings to adjust resolutions and display arrangements doesn't effect the dragging between displays issue when the monitor on the igpu is the primary. Having the real gpu run the primary monitor causes no window relocation side effects that I have noticed and I haven't yet had it reject an attempt to drag a window between displays.
I know I should've started a new thread but I thought the act of using a gpu and igpu let alone mixing in multiple monitors wasn't exactly commonplace and any tips would be appreciated, the blog ate my first post here and this is an edit so bear with me i'll repair the post to how I almost had it.