A couple of hours ago I have installed Windows 10 since I had some problems with Windows 7 and I said why not give Windows 10 a chance. I have installed the Windows on clean but I have some issues with it. Apparently I don't have a Full HD 1920x1080 resolution option, the largest one being 1600x1200.. I've tried installing the GPU drivers manually myself but it hasn't done anything. The GPU model is not that old either.. it's a Sapphire R9 280x Toxic Edition. I'd appreciate some help.
What shows as your Display Adapter in Device Manager?
Yeah, the R9 280X ought to be supported by the latest drivers from amd.com.
AMD Radeon R9 200 series. That's why I am perplexed as I've already read the other similar threads and tried to find a solution there without having to create a new thread.
What are your monitor specs?
Does dxdiag (Command Prompt) tell you anything more?
Yes or No to check digital sigs - your choice
SB maybe onto it , if Win10 does not have built in Drivers for you Monitor it is likely using the "Generic Monitor" or "Plug and Play Monitor Driver" which I think has a max Res. as you stipulated. (1600x1200)
Look in advance display settings> display adapter settings>Monitor Tab.
It says "Generic Non-PnP monitor"
DXDiag says everything's fine.
EZES, how about the monitor, are you sure that it supports Full HD resolution?
Yes, 100%. I have used Windows 7 in 1920x1080 worked just fine. I've also checked the model online and it's ok. But I had some problems with my mouse and I told to myself that it may be because of the Windows (it wasn't) and I should just reinstall it and I went directly for Windows 10.
Use the Monitor Driver from Windows 7/8 (if you have it.) if the Manufacturer doesn't have a Win 10 one online.
It's not really a Driver just a INF file telling windows what resolutions your Monitor is capable of.
You haven't said what Monitor , so I can't point you in the right direction......
EZES, what motherboard do you have? Have you checked if there are any specific updates for Windows 10?