I've tried the tutorial Here and it does not work.
I'm trying to add the app 'DotA 2' and have put it in the programdatamicrosoftwindowsstart menuprograms and then restarted my PC. It is still not showing up.
Same problem here. It just ends up pinning it to the right. :/
You put the shortcuts here: C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms
(the guide you read is outdated-in previous versions of Windows, you would put them in that directory)
Yeahno. All that does for me is pin it to the start menu...
I did put it in C:programdatamicrosoftwindowsstart menuprograms I mentioned this in my post and its shown in the pictures.
Oh. I'm sorry. I must've misread that as the appdata directory.
When I place shortcuts in that folder, they appear in the All Apps. Try this directory, then: C:usersyour usernameRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms
Same. And even if I nest the shortcut under a preexisting folder, it only gets pinned to the start menu. Is there registry trickery that must be done? I wouldn't think such a trivial task would require that kind of brute force...
I'm trying to put them in the All Apps, they aren't going there even being in that folder. Any changes to file names in that folder update after I restart, but any new shortcuts do not get added.
No matter where I place my shortcut, be it the root folder at %AppData%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms or any contained folder that was preexisting and added by a different program, the shortcut I want to add to All apps simply appears pinned on the right.