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Photo App Crashing - App Error Report Helpful To Anyone?
I am having a major issue with the Photos app crashing almost immediately after opening. As it opens I can see that it is not signed into my MS account as the lower left hand corner says Sign In. It crashes before I can do anything.
I went into Computer Management and under Windows Logs found a number of entries about the Photo App crashes. I however cannot make heads or tails of the report. I was wondering it it would be helpful to anyone here if I posted it here?
How to Uninstall Windows 10s Built-in Apps (and How to Reinstall Them)
Hi, you MIGHT find the above useful.. but I've no idea if uninstalling/reinstalling will fix your problem..
- or do you have disk images or restore points prior to it occurring? (You don't need to be signed in to use the app in general)
(It looks like signing in is to link the app with Onedrive)
I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app a number of times. No luck. I do think it's somehow related to signing into something as when the app opens for the second or two I can see the Photo app screen, it says Sign in in the lower left. When it worked, it would show my user name in the lower left. Oh well.
One thing I can think to try
Move your photos from the default photos to another folder (eg on your desktop), and then try running the app
Just thinking that perhaps there is a photo/graphic file somewhere it doesn't like
If this works then slowly move your photos back until it crashes to identify what the issue is
.. and how about signing out of Onedrive before opening it to see if that has anything to do with it..?
dalchina, I tried that. No luck.
Just noticed something. In the Account page in settings, if I click on Manage my Microsoft account and then click on mange my sign in email, it takes me to a page that says, "Help us protect your account" and it wants to send me a security code. It asks me how I want to receive the code and the only choice is via email. But the email address listed is NOT my MS account email address, but my Gmail address. First, I am not sure how the MS account knows my Gmail address (is use a Hotmail address to sign in to MS and Windows) and second I'm not sure why it wants to use the Gmail address anyway. Shouldn't it be using my Hotmail account? Maybe this is nothing, but it makes me wonder.
Interesting. It's pulling my Gmail address from my Microsoft Community Profile which uses my Gmail address (only because I rarely check my Hotmail account and wanted to get instant notifications of any updates to the threads i am interested in. Could this be causing an issue? I don't see how or why it should but at this point who knows.