
same BSOD multiple times (MEMORY_MANAGEMENT)

Hi since i upgraded to windows 10 i have been getting this BSOD, i didnt get it before in windows 7.
let me first say that my PSU is dieing, i will replace it when i get enough money saved up, i dont think that a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT bsod could be the cause of the PSU (correct me if i'm wrong), it cut the power a few times after that i decided to turn the overclock off and put it into power saving mode and installed windows 10.
i got the same Bsod consistently 3 times in a row after opening a game(stalker) it crashed (more like closed from itself)
and a little after that i got the BSOD (the game run just fine for a week and i reinstalled it freshly). the Bsod is consistently a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x0000001a, caused by this adress: ntoskrnl.exe+14e2e0

windows memory diagnostic tool finds no errors in my ram

adding to PC specs:
CPU: AMD Athlon 2 x4 630 default 2,8Ghz (OC was at 3.7Ghz, that ran fine for 2 years)
Ram: 1x 4gb corsair vengence 1600mhz, 2x 2gb mushkin 1333mhz; all running at 1333 (could it be bad timings? edit: the timings they are 11,11,11,28)

i have no idea what the issue could be, i will probably try to switch the ram in the slots and try to get the bsod again to see if the crash adress changes

Edit1: checked the game crash log now and attached it

Edit2: after i launch the game it consistently crashes with the same BSOD following after about a minute or less. this started happening after i defragmented the D drive where the game (only that game) is installed
also last line in the game log is about "
ntdll.dll" which looks similar to ntoskrnl.exe but is probably a completely diff thing
and i will change the slow 11 11 11 28 ram timings to the spec timings which are 9 9 9 24 33.

Edit3: fixed the game crash, i instaled the game into a folder named "Stalker - CoC & Ao3" and the "&" sing made a batch file not work properly, The batch file removes thumbs.db recursively found in gamedata directory. These are a byproduct of Windows and will cause XRay Engine to crash upon loading. Well no more BSOD from the game. But i suspect it was somthing more than that to cause it, the 9 9 9 24 33 timings are working fine, i had the slower ones because i had ram OC with the cpu via the bus speed. i would still like a conformation from the experts on the BSOD tho
  • DESKTOP-BCA0SLJ-sob__07__11__2015_143046,43.zip (222.0 KB, 3 views)
  • game crash log, xray engine.log (32.3 KB, 1 views)

today i got 4 more BSOD, while mostly idle on desktop and one while writing this. 2 of them are "Memory_management" one is "reference_by_pointer" and last was "irql_not_less_or_equal". i noticed when checking in bluescreen viewer that they are apparently all caused by the same address "ntoskrnl.exe+14e2e0". So its not the games fault as i suspected, but i have no idea what it could be. i will attach an updated dmp log. thanks for any help in advance

Edit: when checking something in cpu-z i noticed that bios somehow put the ram timings back to 11,11,11,28. i went into bios and noticed that it was auto setting it to those values, i made sure that i saved the correct timings and switched the 2 mushkin 2gb ram sticks around just to see that if the "caused by address" value will change when (if) the bsod reoccurs.

SOLUTION: Ram timings were set wrong, works normal now
  • DESKTOP-BCA0SLJ-ned__08__11__2015_164729,43.zip (285.7 KB, 0 views)

same BSOD multiple times (MEMORY_MANAGEMENT)