Did anyone just get offered another update for flash this evening? It's Flash KB3135782, but seems strange as flash for edge and IE updated yesterday
I checked my version and it is which I am sure was the same as yesterday after the cumulative updates etc
According to MS this update was originally issued in February 2016. Don't know for sure but some updates are cumulative.; that is, yesterday's update may need this earlier update to function properly.
Yeah that was what puzzled me, as I googled the KB and saw it referred to February! In any event I tested flash in both edge and IE and it is working fine. Just was baffling to see and googling pulled up no references of people getting it today - especially as the version number of flash didn't seem to change (although I can't be 100% as I hadn't paid much attention to it)
Glad to hear your Flash is working OK. I guess at the end of the day that's all that matters. For sure, Microsoft works in strange and mysterious ways.
I have the same problem, my laptop is using 50% CPU since 30 minutes now with this: no progress happening, googled about the KB3152599 and it's from February? Whats going on here?
My cpu usage is ok. It was just a weird update to appear out of nowhere - spent quite a long time checking for updates (I do a lot of manual checks), found this update and downloaded - spent quite a while on 0% preparing to install updates and then it was done and part of my update history, flash version didn't change from yesterday and it's working just fine - subsequent check for updates reveal system is upto date now - will just try and forget about it now but clearly some odd happenings from MS
What is strange to me is other browsers like Firefox shows up to date with version even when checking for this update in Firefox.
Guess something is different in the versions for browsers. I did not receive another today from Windows update only yesterday.
Yes I was expecting a Mozilla flash update but it's behind. Actually if I go to 'about' in flash which shows the latest version for all browsers even edge shows the current version to be behind what is actually installed! Guess both Adobe and MS are acting out a classic case of 'the left hand doesn't know what the right hand Is doing'!
Actually I also got that kb 3152599 one earlier this evening before the random kb 3135782 for flash one appeared too. Googling around says to disregard it, don't think even MS knows why it showed up for people. It installed in a matter of seconds. The flash one took a lot longer. It does introduce an element of paranoia over what is going on. Makes me worry next months flash update will bork or throw a hissy fit because of this rogue KB. But as everything now is showing up to date and the system seems fine including flash I'm going to try and put it to the back of my mind. But I do hate playing Russian Roulette with a £2000 desktop setup!