Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB2267602 (Definition 1.219.839.0] appears every time I check for updates. I let it install and slam, boom, bowee there it is again next time I check for updates.
Get the latest definitions - Microsoft Malware Protection CenterAntimalware and antispyware updates
For antimalware and antispyware, the latest definitions are 1.219.844.0, dated May 5, 2016 6:44 AM UTC.
To download these updates:
1.Check whether your version of Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit.
2. In the table below, right-click on the link that will work for your version of Windows and choose Save target as... or Save link as...
3. Save the file to your Desktop.
4. When the file has finished downloading, go to your Desktop and double-click the file (it will be called mpam-fe.exe, mpas-fe.exe, or mpam-feX64.exe).
5. Follow the prompts to install the update.
You can find out more about our products on the Microsoft security software page.
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Did you try to update definitions thru WD itself. I had that case once and one update thru WD fixed it.
My real question is after installing the named update why does it keep coming back every time I seek updates?
My last one from this morning is 1.219.870.0, I think yours got stuck few days ago.
yes I know but... what now
Now try from WD itself, that's what fixed my problem.
You could try disk cleanup(as admin) and selecting Defender and Update cleanup. I don't know if it'll help, but... worth a try.
Note after the Defender cleanup it'll say you need to scan again, as this also clears the scan logs.
I just tried the above and then re updated now: