My wife's Windows-10 HP Laptop got stuck in a Determining Problem/Restart to Repair/Determining Problem/Restart to Repair loop yesterday for 8 hours.
Finally, I just said "screw it", and used the Media Creation Tool to make a Win10 disk using another computer in the house.
Couldn't do a repair because it said some registry entries were missing, so I just did a clean install, which erased everything that was on her Laptop.
After doing the Clean Install, Windows-10 must have pulled in at least 6 Win-10 updates from the internet over a several hour period. Had to restart the PC after a few of them.
I was under the impression that the LATEST Windows-10 update included all prior Win-10 updates...all rolled into one. I've read it here in the forum, and a couple of other places. But this doesn't seem to be the case. At least not anymore.
From my understanding,, none of the cumulative updates are included in the ISO that we get from the media creation tool and that's why they are downloaded during the instillation.. as you saw.
Publicly available ISO has been updated only once, to include SP1.
You would have to get a special MSDN ISO with the latest updates.
You can slipstream latest updates into ISO to keep it regularly updated.
How to Slipstream Windows 10: Create up to date Windows 10 ISO files with all available Windows updates - WinBuzzer
What updates did you get? Can you post a list?
The "Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1511" is the only one that you should only get the latest version although it comes out once or twice a Month.
There was a misunderstanding as the media creation tool version number implied that the isos were updated but this was not the case. All isos are 10586.0 doubt about that, BunnyJ. I was merely surprised to see so many of the KBxxxxx updates coming in over a several hour period and the Win10 clean install from the ISO DVD was completed. I had the impression that the latest kbxxxxx included all prior updates. Was only expecting one update after the clean install. It's not a biggie, though. Just was contrary to what I expected.
Hi Jim! It looks like last update to her Laptop after the Win-10 Clean re-install wiped out the Update History. It now says, "No Updates Have Been Installed". That's weird. But that last one was a BIGGIE. It triggered the "Welcome To Windows 10. Watch these videos to see how we've improved it!" wording...and "Get to Know Edge and Cortana!" screens. I see no logic in waiting for the 7th (or more) kbxxxxx update for Win10 to start the orientation spiel.
But I'm just glad that the wife's Laptop is back in good working order. She really didn't want to leave Windows-7 for Windows-10 last Fall, but I urged her to trust me. Now I'm back in her good graces again. Get to sleep in the same bed tonight.