
Question about VBA CODE not working good

hi guys,

do not know if there are VBA specialists on the board, but I pop the question:

since recently when I save a docu automatically, like 199-invoice I get:

blanc 199-invoice, instead of the same without the blanc position in front. Sorting the invoice at the back, since sort happens decending.

When I remove the blanc in front the sort happens correctly, but when I rename the invoice to 199-invoic (not altering the blanc position) all of a sudden the sort is ok as well.

Very strange.

In order to remove all macro's and codes to get a blanc document I use:

With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
.PasteSpecial xlValues
.PasteSpecial xlFormats
End With

This happens before the save and my guess is that the problem lies there.

any ideas are welcome



I'm no VBA specialist but seems it's a formatting issue - if what you mean by "blanc" is a leading space?
In normal code Trim remove those, but in VBA I suppose one of the constants does that - maybe try ..

.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

Not sure why removing he last char has a different output to the sort function though...

hi Superfly,

will try that ASAP and post back here.



well Superfly,

no difference, do not know what to do with it.

result just the same, when renaming it to whatever, the space in the first position is gone then.

but thanks


OK PM me the Excel file if you would like me to have a look at how the code hangs together.

It's a bit off topic here so I may reply via PM instead.

ok, S will do that



Jeff, I have replied to your post with what I think is the solution ... it's a common mistake made when concatenating strings to form a file path.

Hope it works.

ok S

will check this



ok Superfly,

you where right and it works. Thanks for your help, you saved my week....


You're welcome - happy to be of assistance

Question about VBA CODE not working good