Hello, I just wanted to say here on the blog that making the Windows update restart my computer automatically, no matter what, is ridiculous. The last time the update had restarted my computer while I was using it, I went and put the settings to the option of "choose when to restart" or 'ask me first' or whatnot. Regardless of the fact that I consciously went and changed the setting so that it would not automatically update my computer, it still does it. The first time that it did it again, it wasn't a big deal. I checked the settings again and after some research learned that it would still probably restart my computer automatically without my say, no matter what, even though I had purposely changed the settings not to do so.
The first time this happened after I had changed the settings was not a big deal. The second time yesterday morning, however, was. To be short and not include the details, I had a video job interview at 9:00am. A very, very impotant interview. I turned on my computer around 7:30am, booted it up and left it on. When I came back to my computer around 8:45am, I opened the video software and prepared to connect to / recieve the call. This was when Windows Update decided that it was more important to restart my computer and apply an update to Windows.
This update took around 20-25 minutes. I never had an option to postpone or avoid this action. I thought about holding the power, but as most everything explicitly warns against turning off or restarting your computer while updating, I didn't. When my computer finally turned on again, it was too late. The interview was with the owner of the company and he did not have time to wait ten minutes not knowing when or if I would ever connect - especially while paying for expensive video calling overseas during his vacation. I called my recruiter, who called his boss, who then contacted the owner, but by then it was just too late. I lost my opportunity and as a result this has cost me a very good job and has cost my family and I a good amount of money and we will most likely have to go through some hardships now because of it until I can get another job.
Now call me needy or tell me I don't know what is good for me, but when I turn something on and leave it there, I dont want it to be doing something and have plans to turn off for an extended amount of time without me giving the ok to do so. I'm ok with the updates being automatically installed, although the should be an option not to, but to have the option to have it ask me before restarting and updating, selecting that option, and having the system still go ahead and restart anyways is unacceptable.
There should be a solution to this problem. This should be fixed as soon as possible before what happened to me happens to anybody else (and it will). This shouldn't even exist as a problem because I should have the option and the right to choose whether my computer restarts NO MATTER WHAT -even if selecting the option can be harmful to me. Please fix this.
I apologize if this is the wrong place for this. I just want my voice to be heard.
I have mine set like this, and it doesn't restart automatically,
Windows Update - Choose How Updates are Installed in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
Sorry to hear about your job, you are right, MS took the ability to control Windows easily.
For the next time, run CMD as admin and enter, this should work on Home version as well:
reg add "HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindowsUpdateAU" /v "AlwaysAutoRebootAtScheduledTime" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f
reg add "HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindowsUpdateAU" /v "NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
Hi, the place/way to do that is on (e.g.) socialtechnet blog run by MS (this is a vounteer forum), and /or using the feedback system built in to Win 10. E.g. via Windows key + ?